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Would you wear shirt exposing midriff?

  1. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Ok I was going to be seriously impressed if she looked that good naturally after that many kids!

    I would maybe expose mine for Halloween

  2. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    I don't think so. I have extra skin post baby #2, so when that goes away (assuming it does) I could maybe *think* about something as pictured above by @rainbow sprinkles: but I don't think I can really pull it off, even if my middle looks ok.. I just think I'd be a little too self conscious and it would show!

  3. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    Possibly. I like the way @rainbowsprinkles styled it.

  4. sapphire

    nectarine / 2173 posts

    Nope, not even when I was happier with tummy. I don't think it looks good not is age appropriate.

  5. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I used too when I had a great body now I've got a mom bod and I feel like with large boobs a midriff makes it look like they are saggy. I tried with a high waisted skirt with only 1 inch showing and couldn't do it

  6. LindsayLou

    persimmon / 1322 posts

    Nope. Wouldn't have even when I was slim and toned enough to pull it off. Not my style.

  7. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    I'm okay with how my abs look (even after having a baby!) but I'm as pale as a ghost. I'm pretty sure it would look like I'm exposing a white cami, not my midriff

  8. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: that tutu pic is really cute. That woman- mom or not- is way more stylish than me. She can pull that off. Not me. Lol

  9. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    Nah. Rock it tho, Kim Z!

  10. Meowkers

    persimmon / 1364 posts

    I lived in crop tops in college but as a 32 year old woman, my style sense has evolved.

  11. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    If I had any fashion sense at all, maybe.

  12. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    For me it's a big old no. I've never been that comfortable with my body. But I'm surprised at how many people said no. It was for a holiday party I believe, and I"m sure in her circle this is pretty typical.

  13. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Nah. I don't really like showing off my midriff.

  14. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    hell no.

  15. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    No, I think it's uncomfortable and I'd constantly want to be pulling my shirt down or my pants up!

  16. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    While I definitely do not have the body to pull such a look off, I also don't run in circles where that kind of outfit would ever be appropriate - and definitely not to a holiday party. So to me, that is more the issue than whether or not I have the body to pull it off.

  17. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    I have worn two dresses with side cut outs, so yes, under the right circumstances.

  18. Meowkers

    persimmon / 1364 posts

    @pwnstar: hmmm to me side cut outs aren't the same. I wore a dress with side cutouts to a wedding last summer but it didn't have that whole "my entire stomach is on display" feel.

  19. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Meowkers: Depends on the cut outs and where they hit your body! Regardless, if it was situationally appropriate, I wouldn't hesitate.

  20. Truth Bombs

    grapefruit / 4321 posts

    As someone who has seen @pwnstar: in the side cut out dress and can confirm that she rocked the hell out of it I really don't think age or mom status has much to do with anything. If you're confident/comfortable and have the body the body to pull off the look, I say go for it! If things bounce back for me after having just had #2 I would rock a crop top with high waisted bottoms.

  21. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    I thought this was a really tasteful example of a crop top done well!

  22. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: @Kemma: Really like the examples you posted!

  23. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    After 2 kids and recent gall bladder surgery ... NOPE

  24. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    If I had the body, I probably would have in my 20's and early 30's. But a tight stomach was just never in the cards for me! I do have other body parts that I like and am happy to 'highlight' with my choice of attire.

  25. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @Kemma: beautiful!


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