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WWYD: Daycare Halloween Party

  1. LemonLong

    pear / 1698 posts

    Are they inviting the parents to the party? Maybe most of the treats are for the parents and then the parent can serve the child from the treat buffet? I can't imagine that they think a 1 year old would eat all of that. I would talk to the teacher to understand how they are planning on serving the treats before I kept my LO home.

  2. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    I feel like this is definitely an excessive amount of treats...let alone for that age group!!! I wouldn't keep her home because it's a special occasion but I would talk to the director/teachers about how these "treats" are going to be dispersed and monitored.

  3. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    I feel like I would barf if I ate all that.. and I'm not 1! I'd bring it up to them for sure. Bleh.

  4. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Mrsbells: ugh. That's a great response, "Then it won't be a party!" I feel like that's how these people feel, too.
    @LemonLong: they haven't said anything about parents coming... they sent home a note saying kids could come in dressed up if they like, but that's it.

  5. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    As a teacher, that list sounds more like having options to me and I wouldn't keep my kid home just because of the list. If I was concerned, I'd ask if they planned to let the kids eat everything on the list at the same time (i.e. cookie or cupcake or Rice Krispie treat; treat bag goes home, etc).

    I think if dietary restrictions are a high priority, you take on the onus of dealing with that. I think (in public school) a lot of unhealthy restrictions are placed on food and parties because people don't communicate or use common sense. Feeding kids 5 sugary treats at once isn't healthy, but neither is avoiding treats altogether. It teaches kids that they can't handle figuring out how to regulate their own eating and make good food choices.

    P.S. I know it doesn't seem to apply to toddlers, but for me having 3-4 sugary choices and allowing them to eat only one does start teaching about healthy eating habits.

  6. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @JoyfulKiwi: I wouldn't mind a "choice" either, but at my daughter's age, she doesn't get how to "choose" yet. They want it all. Toddlers are pretty demanding creatures who don't understand reason at all.

  7. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    @JoyfulKiwi: i totally agree with @mediagirl: that toddlers don't really know how to exercise self-control, and if it's all on the table...they want it all! I guess it depends on your kid, and how many teachers are there to monitor the eating activities. I know with my kid, she'll be going, "more! more! more!" I've seen toddlers go nuts at a buffet snack table.

  8. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    Ugh. This is why I hate Halloween. I'd do the same as you.

  9. shinymama

    persimmon / 1128 posts

    I would still send my little LO, but tell the teachers what they can/cannot have. My 13 month old is having a daycare party next week, and the "menu" is on par with yours. When I signed up for something, I told them what I didn't want him to have and they were OK with it.

    Also, I've been to daycare parties before, and the kids NEVER eat even 1/3 of the options they're presented with. A bite of a cookie, play with the cupcake icing, etc. The only exception {again, that I have witnessed} is the juice; they guzzle that down quick!

  10. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    I would still let LO go and have fun at the party, it's only a rare occasion. I think I would feel worse if she were left out. But I'm the "in moderation" camp.

  11. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    I agree with a few others and would still let LO go, I wouldn't want her to miss out on something that is just a one day thing. I would def bring it up to the teachers though and voice my concerns

  12. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    I agree with others and let your LO go to the party, and I'm also in the everything in moderation camp. Your LO will most likely not eat every single treat or maybe a bite or two?

  13. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @mediagirl: That is a horrible list of treats for a 1 year old! Can you send a note that you don't want any of the sweets for your LO and maybe pack your own treat bag for her?

  14. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    huh, that is a lot of sweets, for anyone. i would probably ask them how they intend to distribute and/or display the treats. if it was going to be an all-day buffet i would tell the staff that i would prefer if LO's treats be limited. however, even knowing that my wish would probably be thrown out the window in the face of a busy days with a dozen plus kids, i would send LO to daycare anyway and remind myself that it is just one day.

  15. irene

    nectarine / 2964 posts

    Yes I would confront them and give them suggestions to an "alternate list". This would make me uncomfortable too! It is actually quite funny in a way.... maybe the staff is keeping all the snacks to themselves hahaha.

    For us we have a similar sheet but the items are like fruit cups, goldfish, and some other things. Goldfish was the most unhealthy thing in our list. I don't remember seeing chips. I am responsible for 16 "goodie bags" which they told me I can get small gifts (doesn't have to be in a bag, could be a small book) from the Target sales rack or dollar tree that is not a choking hazard.

  16. Thenetexan

    apricot / 355 posts

    I would keep my LO home, talk to the director, and check in with some of the other parents. I would like to think a few of the other parents feel the same or at least close to the same. If you all voiced your opinion together, maybe you can make a change and save the party. If you keep LO home, they will not know what they missed and enjoy their special day with daddy.

  17. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    That's way too much. Our daycare isn't even doing treats. They are going to get a little toy/bauble and that's it.

  18. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @mediagirl: @Freckles: oh yeah, the "mine" stage is definitely the hallmark of toddler development! I agree that kids that age can have a hard time making choices, because they want it all. In my experience teaching in a toddler daycare classroom, and now with my son who's 1, I've seen many toddlers able to accept having to make a choice like that (choosing food items).

    Like I said, if I was in this situation, I'd just talk with the teachers to see about their plan for the food/party. If I though my son would struggle too much with what they have planned, I'd consider keeping him home. I just don't think the teachers have necessarily done something wrong with their food list.

  19. MsMamaBear

    pear / 1861 posts

    I'd let it go for one day and since we'd be leaving that daycare. We eat healthy at home so she would be ok. My LO doesn't have a halloween party planned though.

  20. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I just struggle to believe that they would actually have all that food sitting out and let it be a free for all with toddlers. I can't see anyone doing that with any food, much less junk food. I don't send LO to daycare, so I have no context for this, but I'm imagining something like the treats on the table (not child height) and when the kids are dished up their lunch, they also get to pick a treat. I really can't believe it would be set up buffet style for the kids to grab whatever they want, whenever they want, as much as they want.

    I would send LO that day and accept that even if she has two, or even three treats (because really, kids have teeny tiny stomachs and even with something as yummy as treats, they can only fit so much in) it won't be the end of the world. No, it's not something you want to do every day but one day of having some sugary treats is not the end of the world. I think it's actually more detrimental to remove her from that situation as you won't always be able to control what she's around and better to start exposure and limitations early.

    If your DH was willing to take the day off anyway, why don't you ask if he can show up at 11 to see the party? I can't imagine the day care would say no to that....

  21. doodlepoodle

    grapefruit / 4136 posts

    Ugh. I'm pretty relaxed on things generally, honestly I am. But thus? For 1 year olds? I don't think so. I would certainly express my concerns to the director. I would probably still let J go but I honestly wouldn't let him have all of it. Just maybe a tiny sampling.

    I checked LO's sign up sheet tonight. Fruit, granola bars,juice e and a sweet treat. I signed up for sweet treat so I can control it somewhat

  22. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    I thought I'd come on here and update what I ended up doing.

    I brought in the "other" treat which was apple slices (ha). I told the daycare teachers to give her the apples, cheese sticks and a cupcake, but please take the frosting off. They gave her the cupcake, she took one little bite and pushed it away. They also gave her some chips (meh) that she also pushed away. She enjoyed her apple and cheese stick.

    That's my girl!! Haha.

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @mediagirl: YAY!!!! Glad to hear that she was into the healthy food and wasn't even interested in the treats!! Good job, Mama!

  24. T-Mom

    honeydew / 7488 posts

    @mediagirl: awesome glad it all worked out!

  25. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @mediagirl: Yay!

  26. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @mediagirl: Yay! Glad that it all worked out.

  27. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @mediagirl: I'm so glad that it worked out!


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