I usually am pretty good about letting comments roll off, but this one got to me. I was drinking a Diet Coke today at work - its a total guilty pleasure that I really do feel bad about, but I let myself have a few per week. One of my coworkers, who I really do like, gasped and said, "You can't have that! Aspartame has been linked to autism!" I had to fight back the tears in my eyes after a certain point in the conversation because I already feel like its so hard to be pregnant, and with our anatomy scan coming up, I am obviously so worried something will be wrong. She has no children so she doesn't totally get the pressure of being pregnant. I know she could tell I was upset because after I went back to my desk, she IM'd me to apologize and said the baby will surely be fine. But now I feel terrible... not just about the Diet Coke, but the fact that I ran out of prenatals a few days ago and haven't gotten more... I feel like a horrible mom!