I am hoping to get some input here -
My husband and I are actively trying for our second child, we got pregnant right away in December but sadly I miscarried. I am 38, so I feel that burn too..
My husbands family has a vacation planned for us the end of the month to go to Sunnyside Beach in Florida (Panhandle, just outside of Panama City) I am worried, and I truthfully don't want to go. I know he would NEVER not go (he is a total mama's boy ) and if he did go he would want to take our son with him, which would then make me worried the whole time (I am a worry wart, and drowning is my real hot button)
I guess I would love some feedback, maybe from some ladies that are more familiar with the area - how would you feel? Am I insane to want my husband to go to a sperm bank before we go so incase he gets it we at least have his sperm (Ok, yes, thats crazy, I know)
I guess after having a MC, I have become a bit more hyper-sensitive to our situation..