I have always have had a fear in the back of my mind of falling while holding my lo. Well, today it happened I was walking out of a baby and me class on my way to the car, I had lo in the Bjorn, and my flip flop strap snapped. It was like slow motion, I thought I caught myself, but I went straight down, and caught myself on my hands and knees. Lo didn't touch the ground at all, but she immediately began to cry. I think it really scared her. I felt awful! I was surprised too I was sitting sprawled on the sidewalk with lo in my lap all of our stuff (diaper bag, shoe, blanket), checking over my lo too make sure she was ok and no one stopped to see if we were ok! Oh well, I drove home with a bloody knee and skinned up hands, but an unharmed lo, so I am 1 thankful momma today! Anyone else ever take a tumble with their lo?