Any advice on low weight gain babies? My little is 4 months old. She is 10 lbs 7 oz- which puts her at 0.59 percentile. Her height is 24 inches- which puts her at 27th percentile. Her MD is CONCERNED. I am not worried. She is happy and meeting all milestones. She was born at 7 lbs 1.9 oz at 39 weeks.

She eats only 5-6 times a day. She is breastfed for 2-3 of those and bottle fed pumped milk the rest of them. She takes 3.5 oz in each bottle she gets. However, we cannot get her to eat if she does not want to. She REFUSES until it is on her terms.

The doctor advised putting rice cereal in her bottles. I have not done that for my first two and never started food until 6 months and did BLW with them. Any advice at all is welcome.

MD is giving us 6 days before another weight check. If she can't gain 17 grams a day from now until then we move on to other testing for UTI and then metabolic/genetic disorders.