Hi there...
So I did another lie down after putting Wagon Jr. to bed and going right to sleep until the next morning thing last night. This time though, I wasn't that exhausted... I was a little depressed about the possibility of getting diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I found out from the nurse yesterday afternoon that my level for the 1 hour test was 173 (and the cutoff is 135). This is a lot higher than I expected so I'm not feeling too great about passing the 3 hour test in 2 weeks.
As some of you might know, I LOVE FOOD (heh) and the idea of having to limit myself so strictly as well as prick myself 4 times a day to test my levels is so overwhelming to me. It's hard enough for me to be disciplined about calorie intake, so I just adjusted my mindset to let myself have more reasonable treats whenever I'm in the mood to eat... and all those treats would be off-limits if I did in fact have GD. It's weird because with my first pregnancy I did NOT crave sweets or carbs, but this pregnancy that's all I want. I totally could have gone on a GD diet with Wagon Jr...!!! All I wanted was protein. But this time around all I want is bread, rice, pasta, and SWEETS.
It also doesn't help that my pregnancy with Wagon Jr. was picture perfect up til delivery (I never even had spotting! I never even lost my mucus plug!) so this black mark marring this pregnancy is really getting me down.
I woke up this morning not wanting to go to work, but after a good talk with Wagon Sr. (and all three of us sleeping in! Wagon Jr. didn't wake up til 7:15... haha!) I'm here and ready to go. Gonna meet with Wagon Sr. for a nice lunch out today to lift my spirits.
But I'm not gonna lie, I'm still depressed and really really dreading the next two weeks and the 3 hour test.
Soooo... anyone out there diagnosed with GD who can tell me hey, it's not so bad...?? And any ideas on how to eat in the next 2 weeks until my test just in case I do have GD? I need specifics... like salad with chicken, egg and cheese omlettes, etc.
Thanks ladies (and gent)