I've always had very dry skin naturally, and as a result never have had much of a problem with acne--not in my teens, not with my first pregnancy--until now. SAD FACE.

I am having major, major breakouts daily--and it's everywhere. They aren't the huge deep zits that I remember from my teen years. They are very on-the-surface tiny white heads that literally pop up overnight. But the problem is, there are SO MANY. I might literally have 15-20 a day.

In the first trimester, I was just washing my face and hoping for the best. Which obviously didn't work. This trimester, I've been spot treating with minimal amounts of salicyclic acid acne treatments, and it kind of works on existing pimples, but isn't really preventing more.

I know it's hormonal, but what else can I do? It's so weird where it happens too....right below each corner of my mouth (kind of either side of my upper chin), and then right above my eyebrows. SO ODD.

What else can I do? I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding in two weeks and I'm totally embarrassed at the state of my skin. Meanwhile, my skin is still dry and even peeling in some areas since it's winter. Just awful all around.