I think we are at square one. I'm pretty sure that every name that we've considered is off of the drawing board so I've been starting fresh. My two, if you remember, are Cooper and Marlowe but we've decided that if this new daughter will have a name we will likely have to branch out a bit since none of the names that are similar in feel (more surname type names) to my two seem to be right. I've also decided to give up any family names that we were wanting to use because none of them seem to be working.

So what are YOUR favorite names for little girls? Any and all welcome. I'm going to add anything that even remotely speaks to me to a list for my husband to look over. He suggested Camille this morning and while I don't love it, I don't dislike it either, so I put it on the list - so that should tell you just how far off of the typical name trail (for us) we've gone.