My husband and I are stuck between two names for our girl due in May, and we are having a hard time choosing between the two because we like them both. We are pretty close to drawing a name out of a hat….
Anyways, I am curious to see what everyone thinks. The first name is Gwendolyn (Gwen). This was the girls name we had picked out for our son, and I still like it, but I am not just 100% sold on it. The “lyn” part is a family name. The second name is Josphine (Josie). This is also a family name, but it is quite far down the line (my grandpa’s aunt’s name), and it is someone I didn’t know existed until I looked up our family tree looking for name ideas. Josie is a lot more common according to the statistics, but I think Gwen may be more popular in our area since I know 2 children with that name, but no one that I am close with. I do know one person that I semi-see on a regular basis with a daughter named Josephine (Josie).
Which one do you prefer?