I don't know if it's exhaustion or what but I've just been having such a hard time with my diet this pregnancy. I was by no means a saint in my first pregnancy but this time the amount of sugar in particular that I am eating on a daily basis is really out of control. I don't know if lack of energy is making me ravenous but I literally will have little binges. And even when its not in the house somehow I find it while shopping or walking my son. My will power sucks. I've been eating healthy stuff in addition and I've only gained 33 pounds so far but I just wish I could stop!!!! Am I alone? It's such a shameful thing because I'll promise myself I'll be better and then I'll eat like 5 Girl Scout cookies as soon as I wake up. I've never dealt with compulsive eating in this way before. I think it may also be stress related. Help! And please tell me I'm not alone and im not damaging my kid for life!!!!