Last night we went to the 3rd of our Birth Prep classes that are provided by the Children's Centre in our area. The first two nights were put on by the midwives. Last night was run by the staff of the children's centre and focused on different stuff.
They specifically mentioned that the night was geared towards dads because they'd gotten feedback that new dads are sometimes unprepared for how things go after the birth.

We covered things like:
-Mom may be emotional/tired/overwhelmed after the birth. Try to help her. (um, duh!)
-Be sure dad knows how to work the washing machine/dishwasher before hand so he can help out with those things. (Seriously!?!)
-Dads can help with the baby too! If the baby is crying, don't just hand her to mom.

I, for one, found these "lessons" slightly offensive and patronising to the men. I know I'm lucky that my husband is awesome and very helpful and all that, but am I wrong that most men aren't *that* different?
Do you find that info geared towards dads tends to talk down to them? Or did your husband need that level of guidance?