I've been having a lot of arguments with my parents recently over the decisions my husband and I are making and have made regarding our decisions on parenting and disciplining our children.
My Mom in particular strongly disagrees with our decisions, and has taken it upon herself to change our minds before its "too late".

The biggest source of disagreement is our decision not to spank our children.

I think that the way she raised my sister and I was not that great, and I don't want to repeat it. While she certainly meant well, and never abused us, she also didn't raise happy, well adjusted kids.

She admits she didn't do everything right, but she also thinks that spanking was not one of her mistakes. I believe it was one of her biggest ones.

Let me just say right here - I do not believe spanking is wrong. I don't believe it's abuse, when done correctly. But I also don't believe that it is the right choice for our family, and I believe that there are other ways to discipline children that are effective and better for their long term well being.

Have any of you had major disagreements with your parents about the way you've chosen to bring up your kids, and how did you deal with that?