Our joy was short lived...

After a week if brown CM (pre-dating my BFP), it finally stopped. Until yesterday morning. It started again. By last night I saw some red to full fledged bleeding this morning and continuing. I finally called the on-call doctor around 2pm since my doctors office was suppose to call me tomorrow with my beta results. She was super nice but basically confirmed what was happening. I have to call in the morning for another appointment and to see where to go from here... I'm going to have to give my boss a bit of a heads up tomorrow since my doctor isn't nearby (I don't want her suspecting anything).

So we're back at TTC square one, with more issues to resolve now. This is not what I expected at all. Not that anyone ever expects this but still. I got most of the crying out of my system this morning and have been trying not to think about things otherwise. DH is being mostly optimistic than upset - saying now we know we can at least get pregnant and that its best it happened so soon than down the road... He's just been my quiet support when I need the tears. Not the start to the week that I wanted...