Anyone else lying around in bed or on the couch like me?

Here is my pre-term labor scare story:

Now, I'm at home, but on bedrest (31 w, 2 days) and likely will be for 5 or so weeks (until 36-37 wks). I can lie on the couch, don't need to be fully flat on my back or side, but am only supposed to get up to use the bathroom and for a quick shower a day. I'm still nervous to sit upright for too long, as I don't want to trigger more contractions, so am really reclined/on my side or back all day. I have gone from working full time, working out, super active, doing this!

I've only been by myself at home a few days....catching up on TV, blogs, watched a movie, getting lots of phone calls and some visitors. Also, I'm authorized to work from home so am trying to work something out with work (am a lawyer) - yesterday, spent a few hours just going through e-mails and trying to get people caught up on what's going on.

What are you doing to pass the time?

Let's keep each other sane while on bedrest!