Anyone else out there a beer LOVER? I am an insane beer fan. I actually JUST got stuff to brew our own before I got my BFP. That's been hard for me to not enjoy beer! I don't drink it to get drunk (usually) it's more that I just love how it tasted. I really love hoppy beers. I've been off beer for two months and I miss it :'(
Moving on though... I made a pact last year to not buy any MillerCores or Anheuser-Busch (InBev) anymore (partially due to the companies and partially due to the TASTE!) and only support craft breweries. The largest craft brewery in the US is Sam Adams so it's usually not hard. Unless NOTHING else is availabile (a concert is the only one I can think of) I have stuck to my guns. Just found this info graphic and thought it was super interesting... think you're buying a craft beer? Or a fun Australian/European/etc beer? Think again!
(I knew about Goose Island/Leinenkugel last year but it STILL makes me sad that they sold out.)
Looking forward to October when I can drink beer again... I have a few months now to pick out what my first post-baby-beer will be!