It was a really weird week.
One of my co-workers (in the area I work in ... not my group) that has 3 kids asked me what I was having. I said another boy. He asked "Are you was sure?"! I said yes. I had 2 ultrasounds, I'm pretty sure. He said okay but it looks like you are having a girl.
Then at my company holiday party a lady (never saw her before), said you're having a girl right? I laughed and said no it is a boy. She said "Are you sure?"! I said yes. She said she has been guessing sex for all her life and she has only been wrong two times ever. Even her sister in law said the ultrasound said she was having a girl and this lady told her that she was having a boy and it came out as a boy.
I told my mother this and she said... well you better have a girl name prepared.
Though I'm pretty sure when you see male parts in an ultrasound it is pretty definite you are having a boy.