How many weeks/months did you use disposables before you switched to CDs?
How many weeks/months did you use disposables before you switched to CDs?
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
We waited until the umbilical cord stump fell out, which was right around 2 weeks.
pineapple / 12526 posts
We waited until 2 1/2 months. We wanted to get a good routine and kind of get used to being parents before we threw cloth diapering in there too.
cherry / 216 posts
We waited till our LO met the minimum weight limit which was 8 pounds. Lucas was 7.5 at birth, dropped significantly in the first few days and then 8 lbs by week 3.
clementine / 959 posts
10 days. We used newborn thirsties for about a month before switching to one size flips.
blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts
I"ve been wanted to cloth diaper since way before I was even pregnant, but now that my little one is here, I've decided to wait til he sleeps more consistently, cuz I just am afraid of adding one more thing. Ahhh, the sleep deprivation....he's three months now and I'm hoping to take the plunge soon.
coconut / 8498 posts
We waited until about 4 weeks... once all of the visitors had come and gone. We still use disposables at night.
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
Two weeks. She was a big baby and that's all it took for her to grow out of newborn diapers.
honeydew / 7917 posts
2.5 months. I was afraid to make the transition and wanted to use up all the newborn diapers I bought. My LO was tiny (less than 6 lbs at birth), and he probably fit into his cloth diapers around 2 months. It took a while for me to prepare and transition.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
I was scared to make the switch too bc disposables were so I think around 8 weeks I finally switched to gdiapers (flushable mostly in the beginning)
grapefruit / 4056 posts
We waited 14 days, at which point his umbilical cord had fallen off and the base healed.
persimmon / 1295 posts
I waited until we moved into our new house... she was about 3 months.
grapefruit / 4400 posts
I switched right around 3 weeks. LO was about 9 1/2 lbs when we switched.
persimmon / 1379 posts
With our first, we started right away with a diaper service for six months, then switched to doing our own.
With number two, we started on disposables and switched at about 1 month, once my stash of little disposables was just about gone!
nectarine / 2019 posts
We started at 3 weeks and then switched back. People might say it's the wrong reason to stop, but DS goes through about 17 diapers a day. Way too much to handle with 2 LO's and running a business from home.
kiwi / 614 posts
We made the switch just before she hit two weeks. Unfortunately LO developed some serious diaper rash after 48h in her BumGenius 4.0s, the pediatrician told us she thought it was an allergy to the cloth and to switch back to disposables The rash is clearing up now, and in a few weeks I'm going to try and gradually introduce the cloth diapers again. I REALLY hope she isn't allergic, I invested in 26 diapers!
nectarine / 2217 posts
6 weeks! We decided not to give ourselves any pressure and just waited until everything calmed down a bit. Also i was still doing things like reasearching the detergent I wanted to use and prepping the diapers etc when he was first born. We'll start a bit earlier for the next baby I'm sure, but take your time!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
5 days to flushable gDiapers, and a few weeks till we used the cloth (Small size). We only used the flushables in the newborn pants, and the cloth and flushies in the small and medium pants.
grape / 76 posts
We started when DS was a week old. It was just too much to worry about the first week, especially being at the hospital the first few days. Also we heard that the meconium from the first few days leaves impossible stains.
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