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Choosing NOT to have genetic testing

  1. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    We chose to do the tests for whether we were carriers for different genetic diseases with LO #1, not because we would terminate but because we knew we wanted more than one child, and if we were both carriers for something we would want to know that and make the decision to still try for another baby with that knowledge.

  2. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2808 posts

    Well, after sleeping on it, I have decided to go ahead with testing. I go in tomorrow morning for an NT scan and a "Verinata" blood test, which is similar to MaterniT21. I'm scared!

  3. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: We went ahead with the testing, for many of the reasons cited above. The blood test was very easy, we got the results back quickly, and they were quite reassuring- my doctor basically said that she trusted the results of the blood test to be highly accurate, to the point where a result that was within normal range would satisfy her to not worry about any additional invasive testing like amnio or CVS. For us, the whole experience was a really good one, and odds are, you are more likely to get a reassuring result than a worrying one. Certainly these tests do not guarantee that your baby will have no problems whatsoever, but that's just not possible in life.

    But in the end, you know yourself best, and you are the only one who can make the best decision for you and for your family. Whatever decision you make is totally valid, as long as it's the best choice for you and the ones you love!

    Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy the process of the scan too- it was so amazing to see the transformation that my little bean had made since I last saw her at 8 weeks- at the NT scan, they look so big, it's amazing!

  4. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    We decided not to test since we would keep any baby sent our way. I tend to worry, too, but I just had to accept that everything would work out the way it should. Any problems that come up are usually out of your hands until after birth anyway. Good luck!

  5. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    We chose not to find out for the same reasons as many of you (I am a huge worrier, we wouldn't terminate, etc.) but also because of personal experience. My mom did the testing when she was pregnant at 28 with my sister. The test told her that the baby had spina bifida and they highly suggested my mom should terminate. Given her religious views she did not terminate and said she spent her whole pregnancy very stressed out. I can tell you that my sister is perfectly healthy and the test was wrong. My mom begged me not to put myself through that stress and I trusted her on this one since at times I felt very up in the air about it. I understand tests have changed a lot since then, but sometimes mama knows best.

    I will say that when we get pregnant with #2 we'll have to decide if we want to test again. I think most likely we'll make the same decision but you never know. I see the positives to both decisions.


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