Anyone else deal with this?? I was first diagnosed with BV around 10 weeks (I think I had it before that because I mentioned the discharge at my first appt at 8 weeks but the midwife said it sounded normal.) I did one round of Flagyl gel, then got re-swabbed at 11.5 weeks at a follow-up appointment and was told I still had it. I did a second round of the Flagyl gel, and had another regular appt at 15.5 weeks where they swabbed me again. It still came back positive for BV and they told me they're considering it "chronic." I'm doing a different antibiotic cream now - Clindamycin. The midwives also have me taking a very specific type of probiotic that's supposed to be good for vaginal health and washing with pure tea tree oil soap that's supposed to kill bacteria.
I made the mistake of googling chronic BV in pregnancy and saw a bunch of scary stuff about second tri miscarriage and preterm birth. I'm already having a bunch of cramping that I assumed was from the treatment.
Anyone else deal with this? Did it ever clear up? Did it have an affect on your pregnancy?