Hellobee Boards


Clean bill of health for baby boy!

  1. thepicklemonster

    apricot / 271 posts

    This made my day!

  2. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Whoohoo! This is great news - so happy for you!!

  3. AngelicOne

    persimmon / 1050 posts

    Yay!! Great news

  4. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    So thrilled for your family!!

  5. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    So happy to hear that!

  6. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts


  7. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    Couldn't be happier for you!!! How did the boys do?

  8. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @Academicsocialite: sorry to hear about your baby. Hope you are healing well

  9. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    @winniebee: Congratulations!!!

  10. Academicsocialite

    olive / 54 posts

    @winniebee @azjax @junebugsmama: Thanks all for the kind words. I'll probably post on the loss boards when I'm ready to share a bit more about what happened with our son. But it's reassuring to hear happy stories from mamas who have had similar experiences. I need to focus on that!

  11. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @winniebee: amazing news - so happy for you!!

  12. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @winnniebee I have been thinking about you all morning and hoping for the best. Great news! Go celebrate with a pedicure or something!!

  13. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts


  14. arosebyany

    clementine / 955 posts

  15. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @winniebee: Yayyy!!!!! What happy news!

  16. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @Academicsocialite: I am so very sorry for your loss. Wishing you peace and healing in the coming days.

  17. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    Such wonderful news!!

  18. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    I'm so happy for you

  19. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Academicsocialite: I'm so very sorry for your loss

  20. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    So happy for you!

  21. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    Awesome! Best thing I've heard all day!

  22. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    Best news ever!!!! So happy for your family.

  23. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    So thrilled for you!! Thanks for sharing!❤❤❤

  24. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    YAY!! I've been thinking about you guys today. So, so happy for you!

  25. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    Congrats! This is wonderful news!

  26. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    Amazing news!!

  27. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    Awesome news! So happy for you!

  28. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Overjoyed for you!

  29. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    Great news!

  30. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @winniebee: So incredibly happy for you and your family

  31. SweetCaroline

    pear / 1718 posts

    Fantastic! Such wonderful news!

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Thank you everyone! I still can't believe it but I'm so happy

  33. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    So very happy for you!! Such happy news!! 💙

  34. PeaceLily

    apricot / 360 posts

    I know I'm late to this, but just wanted to say how happy I am for you!! That's such great news!

  35. PeaceLily

    apricot / 360 posts

    @Academicsocialite: I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a TFMR 3 months ago at 19 weeks and am here if you ever need to talk to someone who has gone through it.

  36. YogiBeachWife

    cherry / 128 posts

    Amazing! Wonderful news!!

  37. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    I can't believe I missed this news!!! I'm sooooooo happy for you and your family!!!!

  38. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts


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