Tell me your experiences being sick pregnant and what your Dr/Midwife told you!!!???

Long story short I've been sick for over two weeks with two colds, which turned into ear infections and sinus infections. I'm 24 weeks. First time, I took no meds then ended up being on antibiotics.

The second time, my midwife encouraged me to take plain sudafed and mucinex to try to avoid having to get antibiotics again. Just went to urgent care last night again and the Dr that saw me there said he would never recommend any pregnant person take them, they aren't' worth the risk as they are "class C". He said Sudafed in particular restricts blood vessels, that is how it works, so it could restrict blood flow to the baby. Well, my baby already has only one umbilical artery so I'm freaking out about having taken three doses of sudafed and even more of mucinex! Ugh.