Hellobee Boards


Crossfit during pregnancy?

  1. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Jojogirl, haha, I'm not sure what they'll do at this appt. When I called the office said they make appointments at 8 weeks out. I told her about my situation with the longer cycles/late o, and she told me she would make it for about 8 weeks from LMP, "just to be safe." My doctor knows about my cycle situation from previous appointments so hopefully she'll know what to do. I suspect there isn't much they'd see on an ultrasound at right around 6 weeks, but maybe I'm wrong? At this point I am just anticipating that it will be a basic prenatal and I'll have to come back in a few weeks.

  2. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Revel: Oh your cycle must have been REALLY long! I Od on CD21 or so so my guesses are only a week off (based on lmp i'm 5w3d but based on O date i'm only 4w3d). I'll be 5w exactly at my appt so definitely no ultrasound then but I'm hoping they'll let me do one soon. The 10K is at exactly 7w. So early.

  3. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Jojogirl, you're telling me! I was having pretty regular 44 day cycles since stopping the pill last December. Blood work all came up normal and we were not TTC yet so I never got a good answer for what was up. My doctor didn't seem concerned, just said that it meant I'd have to time things just right when we decided to try. I guess despite the long cycle, things were working the way they should since I would up PG.


    kiwi / 711 posts

    @Revel: How did the competition go?

    @JoJoGirl: How is the training/running going?

  5. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @WALLAROO: Hey!! It's going okay! I'm still a little unsure about max weights and whatnot, but I'm not pushing it too hard and backing off the metcons. And every CF workout I do and don't m/c, I feel a little less scared. Also crossfitmom.com actually has FORUMS! (yes!) so I've posted a few of my questions there and Andrea, the trainer who runs it, has answered everything and eased my fears a lot.

    I am running the 10K on Monday and am feeling a bit nervous, but am lying to my coworkers (it's a work event) and telling them I have a knee injury so won't be able to run as fast as I had hoped - ha ha! I have done a couple of longer runs (5.5 miles) the last couple of weeks but not doing any speedwork. My goal will be to just finish it, and not PR or anything nuts.

    How's everything going with you??

  6. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Wallaroo, thanks for checking in! I meant to update and then totally forgot. The competition was awesome! I'm very glad that I did it - I ended up matching my previous PRs for the snatch and clean and jerk, which I count as a success.

    I ended up telling two of my coaches beforehand so they knew what was up. I have continued crossfit, although I'm having trouble getting there - 3 days last week and only 2 this week with possibly no more fitting my schedule, but I'm trying not to feel too bad about it. I am just not sleeping well at all. I'm so exhausted but when I lay down to sleep I can't relax. It is brutal. Also the last two days I feel like symptoms (nausea) are starting to kick in. I have my dating US tomorrow - I think I'm probably 6.5 weeks ish, but it will be nice to get some confirmation.

    How are things with you?

    @Jojogirl - I feel the same way about not quite knowing what to do in the gym. One of our coaches who knows my situation did cf through her whole pregnancy so she is a great resource. Her tips have been not pushing to where you totally can't breathe during metcons, and staying at weights that feel fast for you for strength work. For me for example - I've done back squats in sets of three and deadlifts in sets of five at about 75% of my 1RM, and that has felt fine. Upper body work I have just been doing whatever I can. For some reason I am less nervous about movements involving my arms (press, pullups) than I am with lower body movements. Silly, right?

    Thus ends my novel... good luck on your 10K! Once I get my dates tomorrow I will probably join you on the May 2013 baby boards!

  7. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Revel: Great job in the competition!!! And we are like exactly the same amount along, I am also 6.5 weeks. I have an OB appt next week and he's not planning to do an u/s but I want to push for one because I'm nervous about there not being a heartbeat. I haven't been having many symptoms at all other than sore boobs.

    Anyway I've told my coaches too and they are unfortunately mostly clueless but are trying to learn. The biggest issue is I haven't been doing CF long enough so I don't even know my 1RM, but have just been going by intensity. We did 5-5-5-5-5 back squats yesterday and I just hovered around 75#. I know I could have gone heavier and wasn't struggling much at the end, but it felt like 'enough' work and I currently have DOMS, so that's enough for me.

  8. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Jojogirl, that's tough about your coaches. I think people are inherently nervous about training pg women when they don't know too much about it. It sounds like you are on the right track though. How long have you been doing cf for? I've been going for about 16 months so I have a good sense of my numbers, but I think if you think about sets being fast, that might help? Just my two cents.

    That sucks about the US! I'm definitely hoping to see a heartbeat. I don't think I could be much less than 6 weeks and a few days, even being unsure about my dates, so I think I have a decent shot. I don't think my dr would have ordered the US if not for my 45 day cycles.

  9. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Revel: That's the funny thing about me and CF - I joined partially as a way to distract myself from TTC (and because all my CF friends were harassing me to join), and we actually conceived the day my membership went live. :-O So I got my BFP when I was about 5 workouts in. It's made it extra hard because the conventional wisdom is "don't start a new exercise program when you're pregnant", so I've felt iffy this whole time about moving forward, but I was already in shape and running/strength training/doing metcons before I started CF, so figure if I don't go all balls-to-the-wall, it shouldn't be a huge shock to my system. It just makes all the talk of 1RM hard to wrap my mind around because I don't really know!

    Excited about your us tomorrow!!!! You should join the May board anyway!

  10. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    So it's still possible to PR while pregnant! I did it twice this week, on overhead squats and on split jerks! And both times I didn't go to failure, so I wasn't straining.

    I'm pumped and I know you guys will get it

  11. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @blackbird: Nice job - that is awesome!

    I just wanted to revive this thread to see how all the CFing pregnant bees are doing.

    I must admit that I took a little over a month off from the gym. Between m/s, extreme fatigue, illness, an unfortunate foot injury and an out-of-country work trip (and fine, a whole bunch of excuse-making!) I just made it made yesterday for the first time since early September. I'm 15 weeks today and excited to be feeling sore for the first time in awhile.

    Now that I'm in the second tri and can feel my joints starting to do all kinds of funky things, I'm definitely modifying more, but it feels great to be back at it. I think I'm going to aim for two times a week to keep from overdoing it (I'm also walking 5k a couple times a week and doing pre-natal power yoga).

    Also exciting: we were finishing up last night with a sit-up tabata. My coach suggested that I do planks instead of sit-ups and while doing those planks I think I may have felt the baby move for the first time. I'm not sure if that's what it was, but it felt like a bunch of little pops (like popcorn popping) in my lower abdomen. So crazy!

    How are all the other CFers doing?

  12. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Blackbird, awesome PR! I actually PR'd my bench press this morning, so I see that it is possible even in pregnancy. We're doing the crossfit total this weekend and I think I'm still going to participate - my coaches know, and it's so early still for me - and just see how I do. Total day is always so fun at our box.

    @hergreenpples, I've been struggling with getting in - I'm at 7 and a half weeks now. I'm glad you're feeling better and getting back in at 15 weeks! Most of the pregnant women that I've seen typically take time off in the first trimester, although not all. I've still been trying to get in 2-3 days a week just for my sanity, but it's tough. I was going 5 days a week before pregnancy.

    Also, very exciting to that you may have felt the baby move! Maybe s/he like planks

  13. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    That's so cool you felt the baby move! maybe, ha! So neat!


    kiwi / 711 posts

    @blackbird: Congrats on the PR!

    @hergreenapples: That definitely sounds like it was the baby. Those first flutters are so exciting.

    @Revel: Have fun doing Crossfit Total

    Well ladies, I got word last week when I was 23 weeks from my doctor that I can no longer do weighted squats. So no more back, front, or overhead (not that I was doing much of overhead anymore) squats until after the babies come. I'm OK with it. Air squats are more than enough for me now. Twins are looking good and healthy so I can keep doing Crossfit.

  15. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    Reviving this thread for a question for you ladies - what are you all doing about squatting depth?

    Crossfitmom says not to go below parallel from the second trimester on. I don't have any pain with squats below parallel, but I do feel like things are looser overall the last week or so (15 weeks now).

    Have any of you made changes here?

  16. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    It doesn't hurt to squat below parallel, so I still do it, although I probably don't go as deep as I used to. Even my chiropractor suggests squatting that low and holding the position-something about preparing for labor. However, I had to put my weights on blocks this week because I can't clean anything off the floor comfortably, so I think squatting below parallel with weights may have the same issue soon. Not a problem without weights, though.

  17. Sammyfab

    pomegranate / 3383 posts

    I had no issues with squatting below parallel either. I used crossfitmom as a guideline but didn't follow all of the rules as I found them to be overly conservative.

    On another note, two of my friends who are AWESOME squatters...like double BW back squats, had really difficult labours. Both of them didn't dilate fully...not sure if it had to do with their pelvic floor or super tight pelvic muscles from squatting too much...???

  18. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    I'm nearly 23 weeks (22w6d)and no longer squatting below parallel with weight. It was causing some RLP. I feel the same RLP if I get too low in lunges. I can still go lower with air squats though. Also, my belly is starting to get in the way, so I need a little wider stance!

    @blackbird: Yeah, squats are great for conditioning the pelvic floor muscles. In addition to weighted/air squats during WODs, I've been hanging out in a "paleo chair" during mobility time.

  19. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    Thanks for chiming in so quickly ladies!

    @blackbird: @hergreenapples: I've also always heard squats are good for preparing for childbirth, so this is something that I'd like to figure out.

    @Sammyfab: That is a scary prospect! I'd put myself in the average squatter camp, I was still 100lbs away from double BW before I got pg.

    hergreenapples - what exactly was the RLP you were feeling? I think I'm having some of that in daily life, though not exactly sure. I definitely don't feel it while squatting, but sometimes a few hours after the workout, I almost feel a stretched out feeling sort of just above my left hip. I'm still at the point where I'm just starting to feel stretches and tugs in general, because I'm barely showing, and I'm not sure what's ligaments and what's digestive or otherwise.

  20. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Revel: It doesn't always feel the same. Sometimes it's an overall achiness and other times it's a sharp pain that grabs me. My midwife confirmed that it's RLP and that it's totally normal for it to take different forms. In my case, I can feel it down both sides of my lower abdomen and into my groin. I also feel it when rolling over in bed. It comes and goes. I felt it a lot early last week, but haven't had any in the last few days.

  21. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @hergreenapples, what's the paleo chair?! lol.

    I'm also having RLP. In fact, i stood up from my chair far too fast this morning and it shot all through my stomach. Oops. I only get it when I do something quickly or jerky. And mostly when i get in/out of bed or a chair really quickly. It's like a sharp pulling pain. Not super painful but it makes you want to stop. It definitely feels like you stretched something out too far. Rubbing on it seems to help for me.

  22. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @blackbird: It's just a low, static squat. Like this:


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