Hellobee Boards


Dear baby....

  1. purrpletulips

    pomegranate / 3414 posts

    Dear baby:

    Please start moving in ways that I can feel; I know you can do it because you wouldn't stay still during the ultrasound. You just need to be more forceful since your placenta is cushioning everything you do from me. I promise to do better about keeping your big sister from climbing on you/me.

    Love you and can't wait to see you.

  2. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    I love this thread

  3. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    This is so interesting to read since we are all at different points in our pregnancies!

    Dear baby,
    I love you, and so does your daddy! We can't wait for him to be able to feel your kicks, so feel free to move and kick a lot! We can't wait to see what your little face looks like, and your little hands and feet and everything! Seeing you on the ultrasound machine was surreal. Can't wait for you to get here, but since you're only halfway done, I hope you are comfy in there for now!

  4. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    Dear baby,

    We are so very excited to meet you in a few months. Daddy already has all kinds of fun things planned for you and can't stop talking about you and I to everyone we see. Please keep growing big and strong (but please, not to 10lbs) and if you could keep the punching/kicking to a minimum when I'm meeting with clients at work, that would be much appreciated. I love it but it is a little distracting.

    love you bunches,

  5. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    Dear baby,
    me and your daddy wish you weren't so stubborn and wanted to make your grand appearance before(or at least on) your due date. you keep putting yourself in the worst positions(like right under my ribs) and making me uncomfortable. but, i still love you and can't wait to meet you in a few days!
    love, mommy
    PS. your daddy is having a rough day at work, he'd like you to send mommy into labor so he can leave work :o)

  6. aMohror

    apricot / 468 posts

    Dear baby girl,

    Daddy and I cannot wait to see you! You have been such a good girl so far we are very proud of you If you could just do one thing for me that would be great... every time daddy feels for you, you stop moving, he talks to you, kisses you, reads you stories and we don't get any reaction from you. Daddy has been VERY patient but would absolutely LOVE for you to kick for him! Kitty is going to to be so shocked when you come out, and he sees why he has been so attached to mommy, I know he knows you are in there and he's probably a bit jealous because he can't knead on mommy's tummy anymore. Keep growing big and strong for us, just another few months and we will be seeing you soon.

    Love Always,

    Mommy and Daddy

  7. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    Dear little munchkin

    Im so sorry you have the hiccups multiple times a day. I know how much those suck! Also Im sorry for last night when your furbaby sister decided to use my belly as a trampouline to get to the other side of the couch. However I noticed you gave her a good kick back! Be prepared for lots of hugs and kisses in 5 weeks because mommy and daddy are so excited to finally get to meet you!



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