I had a planned c-section with lo due to him being breech, so i have the option to choose rcs or vbac for this pregnancy. I am completely on the fence about what i want to do.
My c-section experience was wonderful. I have an amazing doctor that i trust completely. I had a really easy recovery, and this is most likely our last baby. These things make me lean toward a repeat c-section because i am a planner and a worrier and this way i know what to expect. I am worried to death about permanent complications people have from having vaginal deliveries (intimacy issues and incontinence issues mostly) and for some reason those complications seem so much more scary to me. I have zero desire to have a vaginal delivery, i don't feel like i missed out on anything, and know that i will have no regrets about having another c-section (assuming all goes well of course)
But then i start feeling selfish and guilty, like i should try to have a vbac since i am a good candidate for one right now. Like that is the "right" thing to do, despite my fears. I know without a doubt i will want an epidural (the 2 hours of labor i experienced last time after my water broke were unbearable for me) and i know that would make it easier, but what if that slows down labor and i end up needing a c-section anyway? An emergency c-section is so much scarier to me than a planned one.
Anyway, sorry this is so long, but i would love to hear thought processes about how you made your decision one way or the other. No debate necessary...i think this is a personal decision for every momma to make, but i would love to hear how others figured out what was best for them. If you have any resources (not propaganda, but informational resources) i would love to read more!
Thanks in advance!