I feel like an anomaly. If you went past with #2 did you go into labor on your own or have to be induced? I'm 40w1d today. No signs he's coming out anytime soon
I feel like an anomaly. If you went past with #2 did you go into labor on your own or have to be induced? I'm 40w1d today. No signs he's coming out anytime soon
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
I did. I went to 40+13 with my second - 9 days more than I'd gone naturally with my first - and only because I was induced at +13. Who knows when she would have come out!
I hope you get to meet your LO soon!
honeydew / 7303 posts
@coopsmama: how did your induction go?? I'm scheduled for induction on Monday at 41 weeks. They would let me wait longer, but I'm wasting my maternity leave with no baby so 41 weeks is a good compromise to me
grapefruit / 4903 posts
I went into labor naturally at 40+5 with Dd2, even though they'd been threatening induction since 37 weeks. Dd1 came at 39+5.
honeydew / 7303 posts
@rattles: they've been trying to induce me at 39 weeks forever now. I think they just don't want me to interrupt their Easter plans this weekend!! It's kind of annoying!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@yellowbird: It went so well! I was really nervous but baby was out less than 4 hours after they started the pitocin and they only had to turn it to the lowest setting. There were less than 2 hours of real pain to speak of. My body was clearly totally ready to give birth - just hadn't gone into labor on its own for whatever reason. I was 4cm dilated and 90% effaced at the start of the induction.
If you do make it to your induction, I hope it goes so well!
apricot / 288 posts
My daughter was born at 38+6 and my son didn't come until 40+1. I was getting so frustrated at still being pregnant. At 39+6 my doctor stripped my membranes and during the early afternoon on 40+1, hubby and I took things into our own hands! 7 hours later, baby arrived!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@yellowbird: I'm 40+2 and think I'm probably in early labour right now. I actually saw my OB yesterday (I have GD) and apparently I was 4-5cm dilated and in her words, "a ticking time bomb".
I'm really hoping that these early contractions are doing something because they might be short but they're coming every 4-5 minutes!
I went into labour at 41+1 with Miss A.
honeydew / 7303 posts
@Kemma: ahhh!!! So excited for you! Also jealous of how dilated you are!! I'm 1cm, boo!!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@yellowbird: the only problem with knowing I'm that dilated is that I spent most of yesterday trying to put myself into proper labour (walking, bouncing, bf'ing the toddler) and it was just a waste of time!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
I was induced both pregnancies and had DS +9 and DD at 40w. I would have gone way past my due date with DD and my OB/GYN office induces at 41 weeks anyway, so they gave me the option to induce at 40w or wait until 41w. I know it is still super early but I anticipate another induction with baby #3.
And I reaized I just replied to your other thread earlier lol! Baby will be here soon mama!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@yellowbird: nope 0430 in the morning in nz and I'm up eating yoghurt! Still having a few contractions but not even in labour...
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
@yellowbird: good luck! Can't wait to hear more about him!
apricot / 309 posts
Yes 40+6. I was induced the day before by EDD with #1. I went from basically a fingertip dialated at my last appt and no contractions to checking in at 6cm so it went fast. Good luck!
honeydew / 7303 posts
@Kemma: ugh!! I'm sorry
@autumnlove: thanks! Hoping he decides to show up soon!
@sungirl: yay!! That gives me hope
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
Yep, I induced at two days past because my childcare for DS1 fell through and I needed the baby out so our backup would work out, lol. I was 2-3 cm and 50% and it was totally fine.
grapefruit / 4400 posts
I went 41+1 with #1 and #2. Was induced with the first, but went into labor on my own 6 hours before my scheduled induction time with #2.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@yellowbird: I sort of want you to go into labor on Sunday morning at 4am now just so you can screw up their Easter plans. lol
pineapple / 12793 posts
My poor BFF went 38w1d with #1 and 41w6d with #2. She was pregnant for four weeks more than she expected to be.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@coopsmama: @yellowbird: Still not a heap of progress at my end but I did successfully gross out DH when I told him I just lost my mucus plug this morning...
coconut / 8861 posts
@Kemma: Hugs. A friend of ours went early with her first kid last week. A few weeks ago, one of her family members was 4-5cm dilated at her baby shower. She couldn't sit down or stand up. I guess her family member went into labor the next day. I went into the hospital at 4cm and delivered the next day. I can't imagine walking around that way.
honeydew / 7303 posts
@Kemma: haha, I told my Dh that when I lost mine last week and he was not impressed!
persimmon / 1472 posts
Me! DD1 was 7 days late and, apparently DD2 wanted to follow suit being 6 days late. She totally psyched me out because by 38 weeks I was 2.5-3cm dilated and by 39 weeks I was 4cm dilated. So I was 4 dilated for almost 2 whole weeks before she came out. I was hoping for a vbac so I really wanted get out before 40 weeks since 41 weeks is as long as my OB would let me go before a repeat section. By 40+3 I gave up hope for a vbac and was really scared about the section. Luckily contractions started up on 40+5 and she came out just after midnight the next day.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Kemma: @yellowbird: Hoping you ladies have your babies soon!!
I had DS at 38+3 and I had my DD at 40+1 but labor started late on my due date. It was pure torture having to wait that long when my son came almost 2 weeks early. Hope things happen for you soon!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@mrskc: @cascademom: @yellowbird:
I caught up with my midwife this afternoon and she hooked me up to the CTG monitor for twenty minutes to see what Baby is up to. In her opinion I'm not in any kind of labour and not likely to fly into a super fast labour either.
My midwife is actually pretty pissed that my OB gave me the impression it was all on because it just gave me too many expectations and set me up to be frustrated and disappointed.
I feel heaps better now I've seen my midwife and I'm just going to relax and go with it.
honeydew / 7303 posts
@Kemma: I'm glad that you have more information now and you don't have to drive yourself crazy.
I have an appointment this morning and I'm sure nothing is happening down there. Only 4 more days til induction
@littleveesmommy: im 40&3 today and have pretty much given up hope to beat my induction.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@yellowbird: One of my good friends went 10 days past with her daughter (second child). She had a lot of contractions in the evenings, and actually went to the hospital on her due date thinking she was going into labor but they sent her home. She thought she was headed to her second induction, but one night she was texting a group of us and stopped. Two hours later her husband texted us to say baby was here! She started having crazy contractions out of no where, scrambled to get her son dropped off, then got to the hospital. Her water broke in the hospital's elevator and her 9.5 lb baby was born 20 minutes later with only two nurses and a guy with a laptop trying to get her insurance information in the room. So.... It could still happen and it could happen really quickly when it does!!
I hope something starts happening for you soon! Is DD feeling better from her stomach bug?
honeydew / 7303 posts
@twodoghouse: that would be an awesome birth story!! She is feeling better, no throwing up since Monday and she's been eating well! I feel like we're all ready now
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@yellowbird: I hope it happens soon! And so glad your LO is feeling better. I bet that is a huge relief
honeydew / 7303 posts
@blackbird: thank you! Yes it is a big relief. Now I need him to come before she gets some other kind of illness, lol!!
persimmon / 1472 posts
@yellowbird: It's so hard once the due date passes. Mentally and physically! I'm still rooting for you. *pst pst baby, your momma wants to meet you!!!*
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@yellowbird: my induction was scheduled for 41+1, and I had zero signs I wouldn't make it until then. I woke up with contractions, and 3.5 hours later she was here. I went from 1cm on Wednesday to a baby on Friday. I hope that's how yours goes too!
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