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Did you ever regret finding out?

  1. Mamaof2

    squash / 13208 posts

    no regrets!

  2. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    No regrets. I found out twice and I will again. I love knowing who is in there. I can call him by name and imagine him in our family. I think finding out is special no matter when it happens.

  3. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Just a heads up if you plan on finding out by having them write it and stick it in an envelope you may want to call ahead to see if they'll do that for you. A friend of mine went through this recently and it was against policy to put it in writing. Guess it could become an issue if they're wrong. I think most places are pretty lax about it, but I'd be upset if I got there with a plan, and wasn't able to follow through.

  4. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @skipper2010: My OB office couldn't put it in writing either so she said she would write congratulations either in blue or pink.......lol

  5. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    @FaithFertility: Haha that's a great idea!!

  6. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @skipper2010: @FaithFertility: huh- that never occurred to me. I'll check at my first appointment.

  7. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @skipper2010: @FaithFertility: wow, I have an ultrasound pic that says "boy!" Right next to his penis lol. You could always have them put the photo in an envelope if they label scans

  8. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    Not at all! I loved knowing.

  9. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    I preferred knowing. It helped me plan, pick names, and bond with my always hiccuping tummy.

  10. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    I definitely prefer knowing and would find out again.

    As for telling OTHER people....that's a different story.

  11. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    No regrets at all! As much as I would love to be TG, and that may very well be the case if we have a third, I really wanted to know last time and this time. I like to be as prepared as possible, and I just like finding out early!

  12. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    No regrets, DH and I struggle so much with names, we could never ever cope with the stress of picking a first and middle for each sex every time. I love finding out during the scan! But, we don't tell many people IRL so they get a surprise at the end.

  13. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @NovBaby1112: yes I would totally do it for #3 especially bc now we have one of each.

  14. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @hilsy85: exactly! This time I had to know if we needed to get a bunch of boy stuff or just reuse M's stuff, but next time it'll be easier to just wait bc we will have both!

  15. MoreCoffee

    apricot / 320 posts

    No regrets with our first! I had nursery ideas in mind for both sexes and loved decorating a "boy" nursery once we knew. Seeing all the little boy stuff at my shower just added to the excitement.

    I was always adamant about finding out beforehand, but since my mc I've shifted perspectives for some reason. I think if we are able to have another I might like to be team green even though that means our potential girl might inherit a lot of boy-themed gear!

  16. KtinaL

    pea / 6 posts

    I didn't find out with my daughter but now that baby 2 is on the way I am obsessed with knowing!! I'm wondering if I will regret finding out too.

  17. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    I was in this exact scenario and we opted to find out for this pregnancy.. I am loving it!! Very fun to see things from the other side, be able to buy clothes and omg.. NAMES. So happy to focus only on one gender. I don't think you'll regret it at all!


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