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Did you get more than the necessary ultrasounds?

  1. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I had three with LO - a dating scan at 6 weeks, NT scan, and the anatomy scan. I was happy with that - I didn't feel compelled to see the baby any more frequently than that and I was too worried about someone slipping up and revealing the gender to want any extra scans!

    With my current pregnancy, I'm only 9 weeks but have already had two scans because of some concern with the dates. All is fine so I'll just have the NT scan and the anatomy scan and be done with them, barring any complications.

  2. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    I've had 3 so far (5w due to spotting after a previous loss, 6w3d for dating, still looked off so another at 9w which was our official dating scan.)

    I have one scheduled for our 20wk anatomy scan. I won't do any extras (at a separate place for 4D or anything) seems too expensive! BUT I wouldn't be surprised if we have more. Our OB seems like she'd accomodate if I really wanted one.

  3. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    Between some early bleeding, an EIF on our 20 week u/s, a low placenta and pre-e we had lots of ultrasounds. I wish we hadn't needed them but I was always glad to see her!

  4. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    I'm 7 weeks today and so far I've had 2 (last Monday and this Monday) and have another scheduled for July 15th. Had a previous MC so my doc is checking progress every week or two in the first tri. I'm not complaining
    Not sure what will happen after the first tri, but I'll take as many as I can get!

  5. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    I had, I think, 5 total? A dating u/s at 7 wks & the anatomy scan at 20 wks. That was supposed to be it, but they were concerned about my placenta location, so I got another at 32 wks to check that. Then I had 2 my last week of pregnancy (41st week), since I was "overdue" to check and make sure everything was still looking good. I wish I had've not had the last two.

  6. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    I've had four total: One at 10 weeks to check for ectopic pregnancy, my anatomy scan at 19 weeks, and two growth ultrasounds at 22 and 26 weeks to check cysts on her brain. I hope that we don't have to have any more scans, because those suckers are expensive even after the insurance co-pay.


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