Assuming you had a traditional ladies-only shower rather than co-ed… did your husband turn up at the end to thank everyone? This is sort of the tradition in my family, for the guy to come the last 10 minutes or so. My husband did for my wedding shower. Just wondering if this was the norm or just my family?
The reason I ask is-- my family baby shower is this weekend a few hours from us at my parents' house. It will be mostly my family but my DH's step-MIL and 3 aunts will be there too (his family doesn't throw separate showers, they've just come to whatever my mom throws). The plan was/is for us to go up together for the weekend to help my mom finalize the arrangements and attend the shower (with my dad/husband doing their own thing during the shower and just coming for the last few minutes to say thanks). But our pet sitter just had a death in the family and had to cancel on us. I'm scrambling to try to make other arrangements, but my husband has suggested if we can't find a service to come in and take care of them maybe he should just stay home this weekend and have me go alone. I just don't know if that would be rude, particularly to his family, for him to not stop by and say hi?