What differences did you notice between your first and other pregnancies?
I heard that I may show earlier and feel kicks sooner, but I want to hear from you!
What differences did you notice between your first and other pregnancies?
I heard that I may show earlier and feel kicks sooner, but I want to hear from you!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I feel I was not really warned about this and was pretty surprised by the differences, so it's great that you're asking.
My second pregnancy has been very different from my first. Nausea was a lot better this time which is great. I'm actually getting up to pee at night a lot less often. I think that's about it for the positives, though.
This time, it's like my body instantly remembered how it had to stretch and reshape itself and just blasted into that immediately when I got pregnant, and as a result I've had excruciating pelvis/butt/nerve pain basically since the stick turned pink. I've mentioned this to a lot of people who said they had similar experiences with their second pregnancy. It sucks.
Definitely showing earlier, more weight gain (though that's also linked to having less nausea), and I did feel kicks earlier.
Oh yeah, and the awful, horrendous fatigue/exhaustion lasted much much longer into the 2nd and even 3rd tri this time, whereas in my first pregnancy the fatigue abated by about 15-17 weeks.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
Between #1 & #2:
Showed slightly earlier, but not all that much. Felt kicks around the same time. Nausea was much less intense (but second was a boy, first a girl, I don't know if it matters!) Slightly more uncomfortable due to pregnancy toward the end. I also had some medical issues that time around that led to a lot of discomfort and it was a rough pregnancy but that wasn't really due to it being my second.
Nausea lasted longer than in either of the previous two pregnancies. Way more tired, but I also have two kids and we bought a house and I no longer have help with the kids and even dh spent the better part of the last month pretty sick. So not sure what has to do with it being #3 and what has to do with just our lives! Way more BH/cramping/pressure and all of that than #1, I had cramping with #2 but I think that had to do with the other issues. Definitely more BH than ever before. And for the first time leaky boobs during pregnancy. Like, more than just a few drops. And this time I've been OVER pregnancy pretty much from the start, lol.
persimmon / 1111 posts
I am 14 weeks with #2. I showed way earlier this time--by 6 weeks people were guessing and all of work knew before I announced at 12 weeks. I have less nausea, more exhaustion, and way more nipple pain (also still nursing, so there's a lazy toddler latch contributing )
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I also showed way earlier, and similar to @PawPrints: it's like my body kicked into pregnancy gear immediately. Nausea was about the same, but worse because I still had to feed my toddler. Same with fatigue- about the same but it felt worse because toddler.
My back pain was way worse, but I gained weight much quicker and was probably overall less fit, and my core was definitely weaker to start.
The nice thing was it was a little less scary because things were known- even though I knew newborn phase is really hard, I had an idea what to expect. Same with labor. Mentally the really stressful thing was when I would go into labor and childcare for my toddler, but it ended up just fine in the end.
Oh and what they say about second labors being faster was very true for me and most of my friends!
persimmon / 1339 posts
I'm only 11 weeks with #2 but I've had the same/maybe slightly worse nausea (which is to say - not that bad!) than with #1, I'm already busting out of my clothes (but I was about 10/15lbs heavier to begin with, sigh) whereas with #1 I didn't really show til about 16 weeks, my exhaustion is definitely there but different and it seems more manageable... overall actually not that different from last time, but I guess its still early days!
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
I felt much, much better earlier on— w lo1 I felt like I had the glue from 4 to like 16 weeks and lost about 10 lbs in the first 20 weeks, but then felt better later on. I was induced early at 37 weeks so never felt huge or was super uncomfortable at the end. W lo2, I felt pretty fine at first, showed earlier, gained weight earlier. Was much more uncomfortable earlier, like hip and back pain that I never felt w lo1. From 35 weeks on I felt huge and was waddling lol, and I went to 41 weeks so it was a long time! I also had different digestive issues— bad gas pain and constipation rather than ms
pear / 1521 posts
Definitely started showing earlier but now I feel like I look the same as I did last time (24 weeks). Felt sporadic movement much earlier as well like you mentioned.
My nausea was much worse and lasted longer this time. I was not as tired in the first tri compared to my first pregnancy, I think I am maybe just more used to perpetual fatigue though
Oh and heartburn hasn't been so bad this time. LasT time I took Zantac daily throughout most of the pregnancy.
coconut / 8079 posts
I’m almost 20 weeks with #2. I’m much more tired this time, but also had some thyroid issues come up post partum with #1 so some of the first tri exhaustion was because my levels were off. I was definitely showing sooner, but I WAH so no one knew until I was ready to share. Last time I had debilitating nausea for most of my pregnancy. This time I just have awful reflux/heartburn symptoms no matter what I eat. I’m also quite a bit more anxious this time around.
pear / 1737 posts
I felt like I showed sooner, but I didn’t by looking at pictures. I look pregnant at 20 weeks and then get super huge. My body followed that pattern this time, but I gained significantly less weight.
I was pretty tired this time, but I was caring for my toddler and another toddler everyday. I was also much more anxious because I was trying for a vbac and had a positive cmv test so I had a bunch of ultrasounds.
I grew a baby that was basically the exact same size as my first. I felt a bit more sick early on, but not much more than with my first. I had no aches or pains in either pregnancy and I felt movement a month earlier and daily movement 2.5 weeks earlier at around 18 weeks. I went overdue by two weeks and was induced and in this pregnancy my water broke the day before my due date.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Positives: I'm way less stressed about this pregnancy, and way more chill /focused on it - I never check my pregnancy app, haha. We also have very little research to do in terms of baby gear and baby care. I feel like I learned a ton last pregnancy and still remember it, so I feel more prepared.
Negatives: More nausea (it's a girl, though, so..... higher HCG), more fatigue (still sleepy at 24 wks), started showing earlier and bigger.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
My first pregnancy was great and my second was horrible!!! I didn’t show any earlier, and I gained the same amount of weight. I was more uncomfortable the second time around, had more hip pain, struggled with anxiety, and had a thyroid issue pop up. I also carried completely differently.
pear / 1580 posts
First pregnancy was way easier (it was a boy, this one’s a girl.). For pregnancy #2, fatigue and nausea are worse, insomnia set in way earlier, I started showing way sooner (though I think it was mostly crazy bloating). I’m right at 17w now, which is when I could consistently feel baby #1’s kicks, but I’m not feeling them at all yet with #2. Shrug.
I’m super curious to see how the rest of this pregnancy and labor differ from the first! I also attribute this more difficult pregnancy to being in much worse shape than I was with #1. With my first, I was in the best shape of my life! Sigh.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
I had 4 pregnancies that got almost to the end of first tri, but only 2 were successful, so not sure how relevant my response will be (I lost 1 & 3). For all 4, I had morning sickness, but it really varied in how bad it was. Despite what research shows, I had far worse morning sickness for the two pregnancies that I lost.
After I had already had LO1, both pregnancies afterwards were way harder than my first 2, but that makes sense. I probably was already sleep deprived.
I definitely started showing earlier for LO2. I felt like I looked about a month ahead of when I was pregnant with LO1.
I remember being worried because I actually felt kicks later with LO2. I believe it was past 20 weeks that I felt them.
The 3rd tri was definitely harder for LO2. I hadn't gained more but my total weight was higher (due to starting at a higher weight), plus I was chasing around a toddler and my walking commute to work was longer. I had to wear a support band really early on (like 26 weeks) as opposed to with LO1 where I only need it the last two weeks or so.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
My pregnancies were pretty similar and luckily easy both times.
I showed earlier in the 2nd; felt kicks about the same time. I had more braxton hicks with LO2 (or actually knew what they were). I gained more weight with #2, but babies were the exact same size (had a lot more water with #2).
Labor and delivery was basically the same (7 hrs) but I tore worse with LO1. Recovery was MUCH easier with LO2.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Main difference is that I popped IMMEDIATELY with #2. I also felt kicks sooner (but that was probably due to the location of my placenta). And the heartburn was worst and lasted longer!
But otherwise, my pregnancies were very similar and both were with boys.
nectarine / 2951 posts
- gained same amount of weight despite #2 weighing a lb heavier (9 lb 11 oz)
- carried the same - all belly
- spontaneous labors
- similar level of nausea
- no stretch marks either pregnancy
- hip pain
- I had a super easy pregnancy with #1
- I was high risk and had placenta previa for #2= modified bedrest from @ 17 weeks-35 weeks
- showed sooner #2
- felt kicks sooner #2
- belly was much bigger#2
- lots of groin pain with #2
-lots of Braxton Hicks with #2
honeydew / 7463 posts
Currently 21 weeks with #2.
Wayyyyy worse morning sickness this time. Started earlier, was more intense with more puking, lasted later.
Gaining less weight despite eating probably the same. Maybe slightly worse?
No swelling so far. Last time I started swelling in my ankles by 16 weeks. This time I’m 21 and no swelling yet.
This is weird but last time I had a faint Linea Negra by 12 weeks. This time I have nothing (yet).
Actually felt kicks later this time but I also think it has to do with placenta placement. By last time I felt flutters around 16 weeks. This time I felt virtually nothing and then bam, 20 weeks on the nose I’m feeling strong kicks and flips. I do have an anterior placenta this time so that prob has something to do with it.
In general I’m just way more laid back. I don’t keep track of daily and weekly development, I don’t weigh myself, I don’t fret about food (like cheeses or lunch meat) and have had more small glasses of wine/beer than I did my entir pregnancy last time. Just much more relaxed which I’m hoping continues into parenting the 2nd
Hair isn’t as awesome as last time, maybe because my baby hair is still growing in? Same with skin, it’s fine but last time I was blemish free for the entire 9 months and this time I’m still getting the occasional break out.
Chicken bothers me still, it didn’t bother me at all last time.
nectarine / 2243 posts
Im almost 34 weeks with #2 (holy cow it went fast)
LO #1 is 2.5
This pregnancy has been similar...yet things that were slight issues with 1 are more
pronounced with this one
My nausea was about the same through the first tri, but it was slightly easier to manage since I'm not working this go round.
I started showing about the same, but my core is def not as strong this go round so I was just a bit softer everywhere
I've been better about working out more this pregnancy which has helped with all symptoms
I've had a bit more back/SIJ pain with this pregnancy, which is exacerbated by having to lift LO. That part of the pregnancy has been challenging. Chasing and managing a toddler is no joke. Lifting her out of the crib, onto the change table, running after her is no joke.
My skin has been soooo much better. Crystal clear the entire time. With my first it was like high school
My acid reflux has been the same (constant and unrelenting) but I've managed it better by taking Nexium since day 1. The actually symptoms of it are 90% better than with my first
I've been sleeping about the same
Weight gain has been comparable if not exactly the same. I gained almost no weight, save a lb or two, through about 20 weeks. I'm on track to gain about 25 lbs which it what I gained with my first.
I failed my one hour GD test this go round, which my ob was shocked by, but I passed the 3.
Other than that...it is just flyyyyyying by!
apricot / 264 posts
My 3 had similarities as in I showed early with all 3 and symptoms started at 6 weeks.
Pregnancy 1 and 3 were the hardest. Pregnancy 2 was the easiest but I had GD that time but not the other two times.
Pregnancy 1 I had bad indigestion, pregnancy 2 I had food aversions and morning sickness the 3rd time.
It's funny how all three of mine were similar yet different. It didn't correspond to sex of the baby and all three were completely different sizes.
pear / 1852 posts
Thank you, everyone! I guess I have a lot of things to look forward to. I wonder how different this one will be? So far cramps for the first week, which I don't recall with DD.
honeydew / 7463 posts
@Littlebit7: Yes agree that overall this 2nd time is going way faster. I guess because I’m not obsessing as much every day and reading about every day/week. And of course taking care of a toddler.
With the first I remember thinking 4,5,6 months remaining seemed like forever but this time it’s like oh sh*t we only have 4,5,6 months.
persimmon / 1390 posts
My two were pretty different. I started noticing symptoms with #1 before 5 weeks, was very nauseous from that point through 10 weeks, had food aversions my entire pregnancy, but other than that after 10 weeks I felt great. I had Braxton hicks beginning at 13 weeks with both. I was hungry allll the time with #1.
#2 I lost a few pounds in the first trimester and had essentially no symptoms until probably 8 weeks. From then on I had a reduced appetite, but no aversions. I started wearing maternity clothes later with #2 which is very unusual but it was due to the weight loss--I was down right bony. I didn't start gaining weight until around 17 weeks and then by week 20 I had completely caught up. I gained the exact same amount with both babies (30lbs), but the gaining happened at different times. I was much more tired with #2 due to having a toddler, and didn't exercise much because of this(I worked out a lot with #1). That being said I was able to workout my whole first trimester with #2, but with #1 I was out of commission from weeks 6-10. I stopped running at 26 weeks with #1, and with #2 I think I just worked out less frequently and definitely less intensely--the exhaustion with a toddler is real!
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