This morning I was heading out into the pouring rain to drop off our daughter for daycare. Just before I left, I remembered that I have a boxing class on Thursday mornings that I had forgotten about! I couldn't work out though, because our son's school was out today so I had to watch him.
I had promised the teacher I would be there, but immediately started thinking about how I would explain to him why I couldn't come. "Sorry, school was out today and so I had to watch my son and couldn't come to the class." I felt a sense of relief that I didn't have to work out after all!
Ugh then I remembered that the gym has built-in childcare for up to two hours. I was out of excuses! So I reluctantly changed out of my street clothes into exercise gear, grabbed my boxing wraps and ran to daycare dropoff so I could make it to the gym on time. It was a brutal workout, and my thoughts drifted a few times to how I could have avoided the whole thing if I had just stuck to my excuse!
Do you ever catch yourself making excuses as to why you can't work out?