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Do/Did people expect you to go back to work or stay at home after baby?

  1. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    It's expected for me to go back. No one around here is a SAHM because no one can afford it!

  2. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    At least in my circle, working is more common. This just my personal perception, jaded or not... It seems like either people who are really well off as a family, or women who don't have a strong career (income vs daycare cost), or more than 1 young child (again, income vs daycare cost) are the ones who will stay home.

  3. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    I think no one was surprised that I was staying home, since we had twins....

  4. red_seattle

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Interestingly, I'm also from Seattle, and everyone was surprised to learn that I planned to return to work, and that I actually did. (Although, I did quit 4 months after returning from maternity leave when X was 7 months to go to law school, and everyone assumed even then that it was to stay home with X-- but that's a different story.) However, it may be because not working-- especially not full-time-- was the norm with moms in that particular community in that suburb (Bellevue). Most families were really well-off and there was no need for both parents to work or work full-time. ETA: So people expected I wouldn't return to work, UNTIL in that conversation, I mentioned that my husband does not work for Microsoft. Ha.

  5. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @rahlyrah: Oh, I don't think he sounds like a jerk at all. I kinda feel the same way as your DH. I mean, if one partner (male or female) makes *so* much money and has a super secure job that isn't subject to layoffs, then it might be a good idea for the other one to stay at home for a few years. But I've seen too many scenarios in my own family where the breadwinner gets laid off and can't find work for a year and the other partner doesn't have any marketable skills for me to think SAH is a good idea across-the-board.

    But it really depends on the couple, their past work history, their marketable skills, how easy it would be for them to return to the workforce, etc. A lot of factors to consider...

  6. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I've made it clear for a long time that I want to be a SAHM - not because I'm not motivated or don't like working (I have a master's degree and have been very successful in my chosen profession) - but because I truly believe that no job in the world is more important than being a parent. And for me, being the best parent I can be means staying at home with my child and spending these formative years with her.

    So because of that viewpoint, everyone knew I would be staying home and there was no expectation to return to work. It is unusual amongst my American friends to be a SAHM but it is the norm amongst my Aussie friends. DH has always been on board as well but left the decision to work up to me; he was very happy though when I said I would rather be home with our baby. We are also fortunate enough to be in a financial position where I can stay at home without us having to alter our lifestyle.

  7. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    Most people expect me to be a SAHM once I have a LO.

  8. reyorra

    apricot / 288 posts

    I think my family expected me to want to stay at home because of how much I've always wanted to be a mom. However, the nature of my husband's job means that I need to help contribute to the income (even more so for the benefits than the cash). My coworkers seemed a bit surprised that I kept saying I'd come back to work, although this could be because the last woman to get pregnant in the office quit on her last day of maternity leave.

  9. Giraffe

    apricot / 274 posts

    My boss said he was terrified that I'd decide to stay home after LO was born, but everyone else expected me to go back to work.

  10. autumn865

    persimmon / 1147 posts

    I have heard both sides. Growing up I was raised by a very career driven mother. She always worked and it was just the expectation that is what you do- you have a baby and return to work. DHs mom stayed home until he was in middle school and he always saw this positively. I work in a career where it is normal to take leave but to always come back to work. But i have never particularly felt passionate about what I do and I plan to stay home at least two years. My MIL and DHs side understands and supports this- they think I should stay home even longer. My side of the family really doesn't- particularly my mom. I feel like she is almost threatened by me staying home like I am inidvertently saying how she did things was wrong.

  11. hellocupcake

    persimmon / 1171 posts

    @mediagirl: my inlaws are the opposite, they keep trying to encourage me to go back to work

    Everyone is completely shocked that I will be a SAHM. Yes my husband only makes a little over minimum wage, but we can make it work and have been since November. Yes my job paid pretty well, but i prefer this "job". (:

  12. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    A lot of people in my circle were SAHMs at least for a bit after their first child. But nobody has asked "Are you going back?" - just "when are you going back."

  13. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    I'm also near Boston and almost all of my friends and coworkers have returned to work, at least part time. I am staying at home, but had planned to work part time even though I didn't need to. I had a hard time telling people I was a SAHM at first because I felt like their was an expectation I would work. Even now, 7 ,on this later, people still ask me all the time if I'm going back to work.

  14. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    Someone just said to me, "Have you thought about what you're going to be doing ... aside from taking care of LO". =_=

    I have never spoken to this person about any of my plans, she has never asked about my interests, and she is younger than I am. So yeh.


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