My job used to be my dream job. It's challenging, uses my master's degree, is something I am passionate about, very flexible and is part time. Then my ED quit, and so did the rest of the staff. And while all those big things are the same, the new staff is very frustrating to work with. I've been pretty unhappy with my coworkers for the last several months.
I went on mat leave two months ago when my second was born. Our plan was I would return to work and both LOs would go to daycare.
But honestly, the math just doesn't add up. I would only be netting $400 a month after daycare expenses. DH doesn't feel comfortable with a nanny, and there aren't really any other quality daycare options. We did ask one person we knew to be a nanny, but she can only work 15 hours a week. So with reducing my hours, I would still net the same.
I am worried if I stay home, money will be too tight, I will feel badly about myself, be depressed and lonely. But I wouldn't miss out on my boys. I didn't feel like that after my first was born, but now he is more fun, and I feel like I get so much less time with number two, that I do want to be around them more.
I am worried if I keep working, money will be too tight, I will just end up frustrated with my job and make DH miserable by complaining about it all the time. And I'll miss out on time with my boys.
But really it comes down to time with boys vs. $400. I pretty much have to stay home, right? I need to talk to my boss about it soon. I think I am just going to tell her the money doesn't justify me coming back, but I would be happy to come back for a few weeks to finish the project I was working on (which I am really sad to leave) and help hire someone new. Realistically, though, they are facing major budget shortfalls and can't afford to pay me any more money, and they probably shouldn't hire anyone new....
What should I do??
Eta: I currently work three full days a week.