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eating "foods to avoid" anyway

  1. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @eiko2010: That is interesting, my doctor told me only to buy lunch meat from the deli and not to buy the pre-packaged stuff.

  2. LivsMama

    pear / 1728 posts

    I now know two people who have been affected by this. One got salmonella from eating undercooked steak. It caused her water to break at 33 weeks (just last week.), and the baby contracted it. She is still in the NICU, but will be out in a week or two.

    I know one person personally, and one that a friend knows, who lost their baby to listeria after 25 weeks. Im sorry, but for me, the risk isnt worth it. One of those girls is still in therapy for feeling responsible for her baby getting listeria. I avoided almost all of the "avoid" foods for my whole pregnancy.

  3. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    i was strict during 1st trim. since then i've had sushi (cooked), shrimp, turkey sandwiches (hot), chicken salad, tuna salad, etc.

    i try to keep everything in moderation and try to stay within the parameters too. i def haven't eaten undercooked meats or deli meat cold.

  4. LemonLong

    pear / 1698 posts

    I'm not really avoiding any foods on the "no-no list". I didn't drink alcohol at all pre-pregnancy so that's not an issue, and I don't like any sort of fish or seafood so those are the only things on the list that I probably haven't had this pregnancy.

    Almost anything can have listeria or salmonella, sticking to the list of avoidable foods doesn't guarantee you won't contract Listeria or other food poisoning. The risk of getting it is quite small (I believe that the CDC reports that there are only about 1,600 cases of listeria per year in the US), and the worry isn't worth it to me with stats like that.

  5. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @Andrea & Dagret: Eggs are my biggest issue too! I've eaten them over-medium my entire life and just don't like them any other way. I ate them for awhile until I realized I wasn't supposed too, but I think I'm over it.

    It definitely kills me that mangos and cantaloupes have been the biggest problems recently!

  6. Honeybee

    pomelo / 5178 posts

    Pretty much the only thing I stuck to on the "do not eat" list was no alcohol, and that is only because my husband feels adamantly about it. Well, and I pretty much never eat fish/seafood, so that rule doesn't apply to me, lol.

  7. softcream

    apricot / 423 posts

    @LIVSMAMA thanks for sharing those real life stories. it's stories like those that would cause me to pause. can i ask a few questions? i totally understand if you don't feel comfortable answering for any reason though.

    the first mother who got salmonella, do you know if she had a reasonable belief that the beef was from a reputable source but she got sick anyway? i feel like it's very different if say, a) she usually ate her steaks fully cooked at chain restaurants but she felt like it was ok to eat a medium rare steak at home with beef she purchased at the farmers market, vs b) she ate medium rare steaks throughout her pregnancy at restaurants and at home because she thought the odds of getting salmonella were low.

    the second mother, do you know if she was able to pinpoint the source of the listeria? the scariest part of listeria is that it could show up even in places that aren't on the list of known sources, like cantaloupe recently.

  8. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    I didn't eat anything raw, didn't have lot of deli meats, no alcohol, I already only like super well-done meat so that was no problem, but I did have soft serve and caffeine. I just trusted my intuition and ate things within moderation.


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