So, I have posted before about having to go to San Diego for a week of training. So I have decided to leave LO at home with DH for the week while I'm gone. So, last night I let DH try the night feeding (LO rarely wakes up for night feeding during the week, but weekend is different case). So, LO woke up at 9 pm (we put him down early) and I ask DH to go get him and give him a bottle. DH gets LO and as he's walking into our room to feed him LO throws his head back and slams his head on the door frame. LO erupts in tears, DH freaks out and loses his temper. So, I take LO and breastfeed him, he calms down. I put LO back to bed. When DH comes to bed at 11 p.m he wakes up LO, so I ask him to try again with the feeding. So, he gets a cold bottle from the fridge. LO takes one taste of cold milk and freaks. So, again, I take LO breastfeed and put him to bed. We are trying again tonight.. fingers crossed things get better.. they can only get better, right????