I'm feeling a little bit better now but when I woke up about 2 hours ago, I felt drunk. (Obviously, I was not drinking.)

I had trouble keeping my balance and had to use the walls for support while I got ready for work. I wasn't lightheaded or dizzy. Nothing different from my usual schedule. (ETA: I do usually wake up about 3am and to go to the bathroom and drink something because I'm usually thirsty. Today, I did wake up to go bathroom but I was not thristy so I didn't drink anything... so maybe I was just dehydrated.)

Google says it might be low blood sugar or anemia. I did have some graham crackers and drank some water on my ride into work. (I was on the vanpool, so no driving for me.)

Did anyone have this feeling? Is it normal or should I call my OB?

Oh, I'm 22w5d and pregnant with twins.