Hellobee Boards


Gaining too much weight for 21 weeks?!

  1. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @plantains: Oh yeah this is a great idea! I did a lot of avocado earlier on, especially with eggs! It's nice and filling.

  2. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @blackbird: I asked the NP today if being tall means gaining more, and she said no, but I don't really necessarily believe that! I am still going with that it is reasonable to gain at least a little more if you are 6'0" vs. 5'2".

  3. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    @mrscobee: Personally, I think you should eat the whole damn box of strawberries if you want to. The amount of calories in fresh fruit is so low that you'll be full before you've really overeaten. But seriously, it's so easy to go overboard with calorie dense food, especially if you're American. It's everywhere!

    And that really does sound reasonable. I'm 5 feet even, and a little over a healthy weight to start, so I've gained 10 pounds at 27 weeks, which is perfect. 20 pounds would be a lot on me, even starting at a good weight. But if you're a foot taller? Come on, you've probably got twice the muscle mass I do to feed.

  4. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @sarac: I have eaten the whole box before lol!!!

    Haha!! Maybe! That's what I'll keep telling myself or I'll just keep feeling bad!

  5. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    @mrscobee: Half way through one right now! No shame.

  6. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @mrscobee: i don't know that I necessarily believe that, either. Some aspects of weight ARE proportional. Most of my taller friends DO gain a little more--we have more blood than other women, and that's doubling. More torso space, maybe sometimes that means more amniotic fluid? Probably minor differences.

    What i do know, is that if i put on 20 "extra" pounds when i wasn't pregnant, my face, back, etc would really show it. So I don't necessarily think "gaining a lot" means you're just packing on the chub. I'm pretty sure a good 15 pounds went straight to my chest, though, lol.....which didn't need it

  7. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    @blackbird: yes! avocado and eggs, the best breakfast ever. I have to force myself to eat again at lunchtime.

  8. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @blackbird: Ha! I'm pretty sure at least 10 of my 20 lbs is in my chest... Sigh... Aint nothin' I can do about that aspect of it!


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