I am hosting a (surprise) shower for a friend having her second baby. It's very small (just 5 close friends), and none of us knew her when she was pregnant with the first (we've all met through our first child). We're having brunch at a local restaurant (and counting on dads so we can be child-free.)
I'm about to start TTC my second, so it should be easy to think about what I would need for the second (her DS is 18 months and she's pregnant with another boy), but I'm drawing a blank. I'll get something small for big brother, but then what else? If you've recently had a second, what did you really appreciate? (I tried to ask dad, but he's no use.)
Anything else to make the second-time mommy feel special?
Also, my niece is turning 1 and we're heading over to visit. Any suggestions there?