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How are all the pregnant ladies feeling?

  1. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    I am 21 weeks today and feeling pretty good. Aches here and there but no real complaints. Totally, completely unfocused at work, which is NOT good since I have 19 weeks before this is all over. Hope I still have my job when this is all over.

  2. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    I am 40 weeks 6 days and feeling frustrated. Physically I feel pretty good (just tired since I can no longer get a good night's sleep and I am a terrible napper!) Emotionally, I am so over the "BABY YET???" constant texts, calls, etc. I know people are excited for us, but I feel like I am letting people down and they are waiting on me. I just want to meet this babe already!!

  3. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @maybebaby: GAH. I remember my sister feeling Soooooo frustrated by the constant "baby yet" texts. I say you ignore all phone calls and texts for the day I'm sending you labor vibes! It'll happen soon!!

  4. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @ms.janedoe: Ooh...that's a long wait

  5. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    24 weeks and feeling the best I have in a long time! Fatigue is gone, heartburn is gone and lots of baby kicks.

    I'm starting to get really curious about what this baby will be like. I think once I hit 30+ weeks I will get really anxious to meet LO!

  6. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    30 weeks and ready for baby to be here. i'm tired...but that might be because i'm chasing after a 13 month old! my cankles are making their grand return(yay!?). but on the positive, my sciatic pain is going away a little.
    but really, other than being tired, i'm feeling/doing pretty good

  7. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    I am 37 weeks 3 days and I am so done with work! And pregnancy! And cleaning! Haha. I feel like I'm so close and yet still so far away from meeting this baby.

  8. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    I'm 30 weeks today - feeling pretty good! Having LOTS of low back pain (but that started in first tri), but everything else seems good. Getting ready for baby showers in a few weeks - how fun!

  9. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    I'll be 35 weeks this weekend, and I'm feeling okay - some days are certainly better than others. I've been experiencing more cramping, BH contractions, and lower back pain than usual.

    I am a champion napper, but struggle at night. Heartburn is in full swing, and my belly button hurts.

    Otherwise, I'm hangin' in there, and just trying to finish up my last two weeks of work, and the 60,000 tasks on my pre-baby to-do list.

  10. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @Espion: @Revel: @grizz: @maybebaby: it's so reassuring to hear from you ladies that are so close and that you're still doing so well physically! I have this fear that I'm not even going to be able to get out of bed and walk around by 40wks! Good luck for your last few days!

  11. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    I'm feeling pretty good! I'm 19 wks. And feeling baby move. DH felt the baby kick for the first time yesterday. It's a completely different pregnancy than my last one, but I still worry. We go next Tuesday for our 20 wk appointment and DH can't make it now, so my youngest sister is coming. Trying not to worry since last 20 wk appointment sucked majorly. Overall, loving this pregnancy way more than the other and just praying we make it to the end!

  12. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    17 weeks and feeling pretty good! Definitely starting to bump out and I'm still tired sometimes. Thank God the school year is ending! MS (aka all day sickness) is gone, and zits are still popping up.

  13. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    Only 4 weeks and super tired, some waves of nausea, trying to conceal the much-bigger, early bloat/bump this second time around. A little afraid of the next couple weeks since last time, debilitating morning sickness hit hard at 5.5 weeks and lasted through 18 weeks.

  14. pinkpeony921

    olive / 58 posts

    Almost 7 weeks and the nausea and food aversions have arrived full force! It lingers ALL day really looking forward to our first appointment in 2 days!

  15. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    29 weeks and feeling great! My worst symptom is probably leg and foot cramps, but I've been managing with massages and Epsom salt baths. Exhaustion is kicking in but I'm done work in 2 weeks (work in schools) and can just relax until,baby comes in August. I'm very excited for my first shower today. It's a joint shower with my best friend, given by our book club!

  16. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    31 weeks and feeling a bit yukky, but considerably better that I have felt for a couple of weeks so that's good. My pelvis is still clunky but my sciatica has really eased up which means I can walk again! Im also managing my GD well. My new symptom is achy back muscles and the skin around my bump is so stretched its kinda sore. It still doesn't quite feel real though, despite all that!!!

  17. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    28 weeks and sciatica/pelvic girdle pain (not sure which it is), has been a constant companion today. I'm hoping it's got to do with how I slept, otherwise I'm off to physio. I won't be able to walk soon, at this rate.


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