187 votes
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
Ours is 4200 and I think perfect for our family. We worked with an architect to maximize our living space, so the only "wasted" spaces are our 2 guest rooms and formal dining room. Both are used a handful of times a year.
My dh has an office, kids have a nice sized playroom, and I have a small "office" and a work out space.
I thought the house would be a pain to keep clean, but it's not!
pomegranate / 3113 posts
Our house is 2800 sq ft but that includes the built-in garage, so it's really more like 2500 "real" sq ft. It's more than we need, although I think it would be close to perfect if we decide to have another child. I like the layout of our main floor a lot, but I'd make significant changes to the walk-out basement level if I could...it's not a priority right now, but there's a lot of wasted space down there. My parents' house is 1800 sq ft and I love it, but it's a very different layout than ours. In general, I think 1800-2200 is a great size, depending on the layout.
nectarine / 2115 posts
I believe our current home is 1300 ft2. It's perfect for us right now (a toddler with a baby on the way). Snug, but a good space for us. In a few years we may need to upgrade, but not by more than around 500 more ft2! We have rented larger placed, but we prefer a smaller lifestyle. Doesn't mean I don't get jealous of people with a huge bathroom with a soaking tub, though!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
We're currently in 200 sq metres (approx 2200 sq ft) and it's a good size for us. We have three bedrooms, two bathrooms and two generous living spaces and the only thing I'd need more space for would be a fourth bedroom.
nectarine / 2173 posts
Our current house is 2200 with a 900 sf unfinished basement. We'll finish the basement t on probably 5 years. We don't need the space now but look forward to it when our family is bigger and older. Certainly wouldn't want bigger than that.
clementine / 854 posts
Our current house is about 1500 sq ft. If it weren't an old house with an inefficient layout, I think we could handle it for a while. Thankfully, we also have a finished basement that helps with play space. The major drawback is the lack of bathrooms.
Ideally, I'd like about 2500 well-planned sq ft with 2.5 baths. That would cost about $900k in this area though.
coconut / 8483 posts
We just moved from our 1500sq foot bungalow to a 2700sq foot two storey and we love it. We have no basement now and use most rooms.
We actually might do an addition one day to accommodate the fact that we live far from family and they often visit. We have 4 bedrooms plus 2.5 baths and a main floor toy room but want 3-4 kids.
blogger / pear / 1509 posts
Our house is 1120 sq ft with two bedrooms. It's absolutely perfect for the two of us, and will work fine when we have one young kid. I'd really like something closer to 1500-2000 once we have a school aged kid or two kids. We might sell and move, or we might build an additional master suite with a bath. But most likely sell-the kitchen is smaller than we'd like and the property isn't ideal. I do love it for a first house though!
grapefruit / 4321 posts
Our current house is 4700 sqft. But it doesn't feel as big as it is because there aren't that many rooms, they are all just really big. The space doesn't feel overwhelmingly large but I hate paying the utilities. Somewhere around 3750 would be more ideal I think. When we bought this house the size was our biggest concern, but we loved everything else (location, schools, lay out, finishes, etc) so we went for it.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
We have 1800 and then a 400 sq ft enclosed sun room. Our layout is bad though. Our master is huge and has a bad layout. We really would love to have four bedrooms and maybe an office.
nectarine / 2180 posts
We have around 1800-2000 sq ft. right now and it's okay. The layout makes it feel cramped, especially when we have guests/other kids over. I definitely think layout is more important than square footage. When we move, I'd love to find something around 2500 sq ft.
@Truth Bombs: Our friends live in a house about the same size as yours. I'm definitely jealous of the size when it comes to entertaining. We're always over there because they have so much room!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
We have 1000 sq feet of living space in our little starter house right now. When we move to our new house we'll have about 3000 sq ft and that's almost too much, but I can't wait. Haha
pomegranate / 3706 posts
We have 2,000 and it's great for now, but as our 2 kids get older, I'd like to have some more space.
apricot / 378 posts
Ours is at the 4000 sq ft mark and we just had the twins so not so crazy for a family of 4 opposed to 2! We don't have a basement and I would love to have the additional space, but basements don't exist where we live since the soil is too soft and it's coastal.
Surprisingly, we don't find it hard to maintain and we built new so it's very energy efficient and utilities are pretty much miniscule each month.
watermelon / 14467 posts
Maybe 1500-200 sq. ft.? Our current house is 1110, but the rooms are mostly tiny with the exception of the kitchen/dining room, which has a lot of wasted space. It feels cramped with one kid, two cats, and a dog, I can't imagine adding another kid to the mix.
pineapple / 12053 posts
Holy crap, I can't believe how big some of your homes are!! We are at 1600 now and I hate the layout. Looking at buying next year and it will be in the 1000-1200 range most likely although, we'll plan to expand at some point, but I can't see ever needing more than 2000 sq ft! I wouldn't even know what to put in there!
eggplant / 11408 posts
We just moved from a 700ish Sq ft one bedroom apartment to about a 950 (maybe more? Not sure) Sq ft two bedroom apartment. It feels like a dream! We have so much more space than we used to, and it isn't even really arranged well/with the right furniture yet. In an ideal world, we would like a dedicated guest room, but that isn't the main priority right now. I think we will be here through at least one more child.
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
Some of you have such big houses!
Ours is about 1700 sq ft. It's fine - we feel like we have plenty of space including a play room. I would like 4 bedrooms so we can have a room for each LO if we have a second, plus a guest room. If money were no object, I think 2500-3000 would be great.
I also really think it matters how you use the space. A friend has a 4500+ sq ft home but two of her three kids share a room! A lot of the space is used in common areas because they entertain a lot and so it feels really big in those spaces. I grew up in a pretty large home that didn't feel so large once inside because there were a lot of individual rooms versus an open floor plan.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@Pancakes: yeah we always host when we get together with friends. I love hosting so I do enjoy having the space to fit everyone comfortably.
pomelo / 5678 posts
I voted 1500-2000. We are currently in a 1500sf townhouse and I love it! Size isn't something I desire, layout is more important. We have 3 bed, 2 bath with an excellent layout. I would never want more no matter- because it is more to clean and more to heat and cool! No thank you.
I grew up in 3000sf and it was very large, but later we built a 2500sf that seemed smaller than my townhouse! The layout just didn't work. I like being close, I just can't imagine needing more. And, like I implied- I would resent having to buy buy buy to fill large rooms and our weather is EXTREME, so heating and cooling can become an expensive nightmare.
grapefruit / 4355 posts
Our current house is 2750 sq ft and we definitely don't have any extra space. Ideally, we'd have more like 3500 sq ft (whenever we move, we plan to go a bit bigger).
honeydew / 7463 posts
I voted 3,500 to 4,000.
Currently in a 3 bedroom apartment that's just shy of 1700 sq ft. But it's not very thoughtfully designed. It's a new condo building and it has some layout features to make it seem "grand", but they count the wide hallways that every room has and the closets in the sq footage. It's not actual usable space.
I DREAM of a house someday. Not ready to leave the city till the grade school years - but when I see homes of our friends who've left the city I get a pang of jealousy.
As an aside, my husbands boss has a 60,000 square foot house. That is not a typo. I did not add too many zeros. SIXTY-THOUSAND. It looks like a shopping mall from aerial views. There is such a thing as too big and that's it.
persimmon / 1101 posts
We are at 2,400. Our mortgage is less than my college apartment rent...home ownership where I live is cheap! It's a little too big right now with the three of us, but will be perfect if we have another kiddo.
pineapple / 12234 posts
We're in 2100 sqft right now and I think we could use another 1000. I would love another bedroom, larger bedrooms and a bonus room.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
@cherrybee: I know, right?!?! I look at what we could buy in expensive cities like Boston and San Francisco with the amount we paid here in England and I want to cry a little!
We have nearly 1400 sf in a semidetached house and I wouldn't mind another 500 sf or so. We have four bedrooms and 2.5 baths, but our layout isn't great. We're doing a major renovation after Christmas, knocking through the kitchen wall, switching the conservatory roof to an insulated one, and making a large, open plan kitchen diner second living area/playroom, so hopefully that helps. My ideal house would be right around 2000 sf, I don't want or need any bigger than that.
pineapple / 12526 posts
@Cherrybee: I miss our house in the UK. I liked it a lot more than the house we have now.
Our current house is about 1300sq ft, but poorly laid out with a tiny kitchen and we could use a little more space. I think the 1700-2000 range would be perfect. I don't think I'd want more than 2000, just seems a waste.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
Ours is 3600 sq ft which sounds ENORMOUS. But 500 of that is unfinished basement, 1000 of it is a top floor playroom/guest room. It's 3 bedrooms, 3 baths so doesn't seem like it's outrageously huge -2K sq ft of functional living space. I think it's perfect for us Someday if we can afford to finish the basement it'll be awesome, but we definitely do not need more space.
pomelo / 5720 posts
Ours is 2700 sq ft, not including the partially finished basement that we do use for storage and for exercise equipment. It's a 4 bed 3 bath so plenty big enough for the 4 of us and the dog. I wish the layout were a little different and that we could finish the basement to make a bigger playroom/family room for the kids, but we really don;t need it as we have both of those rooms upstairs already. We also have a 2 car garage/barn with a finished "man room" above it which we don't count as footage but s used quite a bit.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I picked I'll take another 500sq. I think with one kid, and two later on, I can use that little extra space; but otherwise I think our house is perfect!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
I'd like around 2000 sq ft and land around that house
We're in 1600 sq ft now (3 bed, 2 bath) and it is perfectly suitable for our family of three as we don't plan to expand, but I'd like a little extra storage in the kitchen and one more bedroom that can act as an office/workout space. Right now we have a guest room/office and I'd love to not have to combine those two.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
We have 3000 sf and it's fine with the exception of no playroom. I know - first world problems. But I wish I could contain all of the toys and CRAP in one room. It ends up all over the house, especially the Great Room and I hate it!
We have 2 daughters, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, an office (with a sleeper sofa for guests), a formal dining room and an eat-in kitchen area. We have 10 ft ceilings throughout and that makes it feel more spacious, but it doesn't distract from the toys all over the place!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
I'm pretty happy with our current size home, but would love, love, love a 3rd garage and a bigger yard. Our current yard is itty bitty and can't do much with it. It's not a zero lot, but the larger home took up most of the plot.
grapefruit / 4817 posts
@Synchronicity: This is what I would prefer. We have 3000 sq ft, but I think it's poorly laid out, so it drives me nuts. So much wasted space and no storage at all. I'd much rather have 2000 sq ft with a great plan.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I design a lot of enormous houses for a living but prefer living fairly small.
We have about 1,600sf with another 800sf in a soon to be finished basement. I don't see us needing much more space for a while. We have four bedrooms and two bathrooms with a great layout.
pomegranate / 3890 posts
we just went from 2,700 to 1400 and i LOVE the smaller space. so much less to clean and heat. the layout is really good so it feels perfect for our family of 4, i could actually see us having two more kiddos in here, if we get another bedroom added
papaya / 10560 posts
I feel like a lot depends on layout. We went from 1900 sq ft to a 3200 sq foot and it is plenty of room, but not waaaay too spacious. The bedrooms are all in one area and the living area kitchen is all in another. Pretty sure I wouldn't want more space because this is plenty, but I don't feel like I would want a whole lot smaller if I had more than a family of 4. ALthough...I know it's completely possible and doable in smaller living space!
cherry / 160 posts
Our house is 1500sq. It feel great for us now (toddler, baby on the way) - I think the layout is really good. Ideally, I'd like to have a 4th bedroom and a slightly bigger kitchen. And I think when we have teenagers it will feel a little cozy - but it's nice with small kids - I like how the bedrooms are all close to each other. Hopefully we will be able to move in 7 years or so but I'm really happy now. We also live in a very expensive area (Seattle) so that probably affects my expectations.
pomelo / 5621 posts
We have 1350 sq ft. Plus an unfinished basement. It is a good size with one kid.
I'd like only a tiny bit bigger since I'd like to have a den off the living room to us as a playroom. And if the second two rooms were a bit bigger that would be nice.
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