I think I've been in denial about how many clothes we have in the house for our son. I need a system that works.
My first born is 19 months old, and I have been cycling out his clothes form the dresser to various bins in his closet and under his bed. I have been really lazy about it.
Our second son is on his way. He will be in different clothes in different seasons than our first-born, but I haven't gotten rid of anything because you never know.
But now I'm drowning in tiny clothes. No system in place. I only know that I'd still like to have the clothes that are currently being worn by both boys to reside in a shared dresser. And I need something that can help me keep future clothes for both boys in a place that I know what's where and what size, etc.
What system works for you? Do tell - I'd like to try and get a handle on this before baby #2 arrives!