DH is Mr. Fitness. He goes to the gym about 5x a week and is basically ripped. I pulled up from work one day and he was weed-eating (you know that yard machine thingy?) and it really hit me, "My husband is a Hot Dad." And it deepened my already deep fear of getting super large or just not looking up to par with him or for him. I of course want to be healthy physically for our baby's sake and for my own, but I feel A LOT of pressure to try to be a bump-only preggo- still in shape and super fit- bc of DH.

I couldn't work out very much until the end of the first tri due to a stupid SCH and bedrest, but I'm trying to be really good about it now. I can already see that my thighs are thicker (which I HATE!) and that is bothering me so much. I'm fine with my belly growing but I wasn't prepared for anything else to...spread? Is that just completely unrealistic?

I'm going to the gym on average 4x a week. I do 30 mins on the elliptical at a speed of 8 and an incline of 7 (HATE but feel like I have to). Then I do about 25-3o mins of machine weights.

And my thighs and I still despise each other.

How often did you/do you work out, and did it help keep the spreading away/at a minimum?

I feel like I'm doing a lot of work and that I should be cuter/smaller than I am!

Sorry to whine/vent...I always thought the appreciation of finally getting pregnant with a healthy baby would make me never complain about anything. But letting my body "go" has been hard. I know I sound like a drama queen, but I don't want to be DH's "fat wife." If I'm being ridiculous, feel free to slap*slap*slap me!