First world problem/novel ahead...
In one year, I will have the opportunity for the first time to be a full time SAHM with my 2 kids (currently 4 and almost 2). I’ve always wanted to SAHM, at least temporarily, but it hasn’t been feasible while DH has been in training. When he’s done in a year, we are moving across the country, and DH will be making plenty for us to live well on just his salary.
The past 4 years, and for the rest of his career, he will have variable shift work. It’s how his occupation is set up, and we are going in with eyes open. He’s been working this schedule for a few years and we’re used to it and make it work, but it sucks because he works many holidays/weekends and gets random days off. Our schedules are not compatible and never will be if I’m working 8-5 M-F.
DH would rather me SAHM so we can spend more time together, and I would be able to focus on the kids and our home (and selfishly – all his administrative and day to day things he doesn’t want to deal with). It's what his mom did. I’d be happy with this arrangement, but for one issue...
I CAN’T GET OVER MY GUILT. I feel like I have this internal obligation to work full time, even though I logically know it may not be necessary in our situation. But I’m coming up on my 10 year anniversary with my company, I’ve advanced well above where I probably should be for my age career-wise, and feel like it’s throwing my education and career advancement in the trash. Even though I don’t love what I do, I’m lukewarm about it at best. My mom worked full time for her entire career, and so it’s all I’m used to and all I know. I can’t even wrap my mind around being able to have time during the day to schlep kids to school, athletics, extracurriculars...
I feel like I’m setting myself up for a “grass is greener” situation and I’m going to be disappointed when I inevitably fail as a Martha Stewart homemaker. Or that I’ll hate staying home full time. I’m sure I’ll eventually get into some part time work/volunteering. But I don’t like relying on someone else for income. I’m scared about the “what-if’s” that can’t be controlled (major disability, although we are insured for this). I’m scared to have to start all the way back at the bottom if I decide to go back to work, and will be disappointed bc I know I wasted my potential.
Basically, I want someone to make my decision for me, or at least tell me it’ll be ok.
/pity party