...... how do you divide up kiddie duties during the evenings and, particularly, at night? Who does what? Is there any resentment and, if so, how do you deal with it?

Im not a SAHM but Im on 6 months mat leave. DH works Mon-Fri 8-5 and Sat 8-12. Then, on Sundays, he takes medication for his psoriatic arthritis which makes him feel dreadful - pre-baby he would stay in bed all day. He feels crappy until about Weds, then. He also takes a nightly pain killer which doubles as a sleeping pill so he STTN every single night and its not negotiable. I deal with feeding and rocking our 6wk old night after night.... every 2-4hrs. I then deal with her all day....then DH comes home and I really, really want to hand her over to him but to be fair he has been at work all day so we deal with her 50/50 until bedtime when I take over again and the whole sorry cycle continues!

DH keeps moaning that he is tired and it really grates on me! He lies there snoring while I soothe a crying baby night after freaking night. Last night, he was pretty grumpy and wasn't very patient with DD at all. I took over and he said, miserably "its hard for me because i will be at work and i will feel so tired but I know I can't just come home and relax like i need to". It was everything i had not to snap at him.... because I deal with her allll night, then allll morning, then all day, then all evening with his help then its night again. When do I get time off?? Which is of course his argument, too, because he works all day then comes home to start again with us! But he at least gets the nights off to sleep....

Ugh! Its so difficult! And someones going to snap eventually - and it will probably be me, in the night, and it won't be pretty!!