Hellobee Boards


If you could tell your friends to watch one tv show, what would it be?

  1. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I would say New Girl for a sitcom or Pretty Little Liars for a Drama (seriously it is so addicting!)

  2. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @LuLu Mom: Love Pretty Little Liars!

  3. su9su9

    cherry / 204 posts

    I really love The Walking Dead and Homeland.

  4. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @anonysquire: I used to watch it when I was younger - I loved it too!

  5. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Yes Sons of Anarchy! Not too many people I know watch this and I don't know why?? For me, I'd have to say either Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad.

  6. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @BelugaBean: Hatfields and McCoys was super good! It was so interesting to get a glimpse into that part of history. I also highly recommend it!

  7. PastaAndPotato

    apricot / 483 posts

    new girl for a sitcom/comedy

    boardwalk empire for a drama - i am totally addicted to this show

  8. jmarionsmith

    nectarine / 2132 posts

    six feet under. it's been off the air for a while but it is soooooo good!

  9. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    @hilsy85: Yes! The Wire is the best TV show of all time.

    FNL, Buffy, Firefly, Mad Men, Parenthood and SoA. Honourable mention to Battlestar Galactica and Lost.

  10. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    Arrested Development and Battlestar Galactica.

  11. th_momma

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: My absolute favorite!

  12. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @anonysquire: Old Degrassi or the new one? The old one is my guilty pleasure and I live for its 80's awesomeness.

  13. Springtime

    pomegranate / 3204 posts

    LOST! I loved Lost so much, and think I went into a depression when it was over. It was just SO good!

    DH and I went and visited a lot of the spots where they filmed at in Oahu on our honeymoon, it was so cool!

  14. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @mrs. 64: Finally someone who understands! hahaha no one ever believes me.

  15. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @meredithNYC: I haven't seen that old one. Only the one during the early 2000s and then the one on currently. I need to get the old ones!

  16. Sophia

    apricot / 432 posts

    Definitely Six Feet Under. It's my favorite show! And also, Breaking Bad. DH and I got completely addicted a month or so ago and watched all 4 seasons on Netflix.

  17. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @anonysquire: Oh man, old school Degrassi Junior High is truly hilarious. I first saw it when I was in junior high and, being a 90's kid, I thought it was so dated and funny. Some scandalous stuff happens, too! Those kids were kind of wild for the time.

  18. Sophia

    apricot / 432 posts

    @jmarionsmith: I always get so excited when I hear that other people loved it! I don't think enough people know about Six Feet Under. I always tell my friends they have to watch it!

  19. jmarionsmith

    nectarine / 2132 posts

    @Sophia: omg dh i are obsessed. we're even thinking of watching the entire series again!

  20. keiki_mama

    nectarine / 2504 posts

    My favorite TV always changes but I would recommend Modern Family at this moment.

  21. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    The Walking Dead!

  22. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    homeland and downton abbey

  23. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @plantains: agreed! the Wire is the best show EVER! I own the whole series, might be time to start rewatching again

    Also friday night lights.

  24. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Mrs. Bee: Sherlock, Downton Abbey, and Friday Night Lights are my 3 favorites... but if I had to choose just one, I would still choose Friday Night Lights!

    Of course my ALL-time favorite would be Friends.

  25. littlebittyhouse

    pear / 1570 posts

    @ladyfingers: do you watch Grimm? it reminds me of Buffy - SO GOOD!

    Parenthood, New Girl, Grimm and Smash are my go to at the moment.

  26. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @ladyfingers: Six Feet Under was so incredibly good. The final episode was one of my favourite Finale's ever, ever.

  27. mamabolt

    nectarine / 2797 posts

    Either Friday Night Lights or Breaking Bad.

  28. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Friday Night Lights or ParenthooD!

  29. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    Game of Thrones if I had to recommend only one.
    I love Once Upon a Time, Hart of Dixie, and The Walking Dead, too. If someone was looking for a series to watch on Netflix, it would be United States of Tara. I LOVED that show and am so sad it got cancelled.

  30. lemong

    apricot / 309 posts

    No question - The Wire!

  31. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    Battlestar Galactica!!

  32. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    Oh gosh, I could never pick just one!

    Assuming they want something that's still currently on, and something that they probably don't already watch, I'd pick Happy Endings. I feel like it's the funniest show that no one watches and I'm desperately trying to get more people to love it so it doesn't get canceled!

  33. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    Monk has probably been my favorite series yet. Bones is a close second.

    Most of the others listed don't meet our "screening" criteria so for us, good shows are hard to come by... I've tried starting FNL but can't seem to get into it. =/

  34. Mrs. Bee

    admin / watermelon / 14210 posts

    @runsyellowlites: keep watching fnl! i'm totally sucked in.

    and i miss monk!

  35. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @Mrs. Bee: I give every show 1 season (that's what it took for me to get into Bones) so I'm sure I'll jump on the wagon! lol

  36. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

    @Shutterbug: I love Happy Endings!

    How I met Your Mother and New Girl are other shows I love. I tend to drift toward short, happy and entertaining these days. After a day at work and an evening of toddler wrangling I need some comic relief!

  37. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @swurlygurl: @crumbs: i love Psych too, but during the whole last episode I was like "Is this a joke? Is someone playing a prank on them?"

    @Shutterbug: DH & I were just saying this morning how sad we'll be if Happy Endings isn't renewed! We love that show - every part of it is hilarious. DH said as he was leaving this morning, "Women be shoppin', man. Women be shoppin."

  38. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @littlebittyhouse: oh yeah? I'll have to check it out!

    @.twist.: I know! I watched it in a few weeks last year and am still obsessed. Sometimes I watch that last scene on YouTube if I'm feeling masochistic. I should watch the series again!

    Oh how could I forget homeland and lost?


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