...where you want to just throw your hands up in the hair and give up and scream? Or run away? Or take the first job opportunity available even if that just means flipping burgers at the corner fast food joint??
I mean, seriously. I can't be alone here. It's been one of those days (months really -- I hate winter!) where I am just done done done. I was digging into the leftover homemade hot fudge sauce with a spoon before 9am, for goodness sake.
My busy 2 and 1 year old have left a trail of destruction behind them, I'm perpetually behind on laundry, our dishwasher is full and running and I still have dishes to go, neither of my kids are napping well or at all lately, my son took white out and painted our wood banister and some wood detailing on our doors and I've yet to figure out how to remove it, my one year old's favorite word is "no!" (and she points a finger as she says it), my daughter requested bean burritos for lunch so I made them and she opened up the tortilla and threw the beans down....and I am so sick and tired of showering with both kids at my feet in the shower.
Whew. That's a lot. But really. Anyone else?! Any other SAH parents who want to just let it all hang out and complain for a minute?