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If you solo parent in the morning with 2 kids....

  1. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @KayKay: Ryan's up around 6. Tyler by 7. I have to be out the door by 815. Ryan is a stage 4 clinger so doing anything with him in the morning takes 2x as long.

  2. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    We have to leave by 7:45am for DS to go to school. We need to be up and at 'em at 6:30. I feed them, brush teeth, make sure they use the bathroom, get them dressed and then have them play quietly while I get ready. It's a struggle but we just need to be aware of the time on the clock and I have to be quick. By the time I get home from taking DS to school, I have about 10 minutes before I leave to take DD to school (just on T/TH) so we have to be ready before taking DS.

  3. Veggiemama

    apricot / 287 posts

    Like others have mentioned I have as much as possible ready and packed the night before.

    One thing that makes a huge difference is I get up before the kids and get myself completely ready, eat breakfast and put the bags in the car. It's painful but it's much easier when all I have to do is finish packing their lunches and focus on getting them ready.

    They both need a few minutes to get up so I start waking them up 15-20 minutes before they need to actually get out of bed.

    My youngest is also very clingy and the slightest thing can upset him and throw off the whole morning so having everything else ready really helps in case he wants to eat breakfast in my lap, or doesn't want me to leave his side while he gets dressed etc.

    It's still stressful though especially now that it's snowy and freezing outside!

  4. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    It's a lot of rushing. To make things slightly simpler we have simple breakfasts and get clothes set out the night before. We only have school twice a week, I dread the fun in the fall when kinder starts.

  5. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    @winniebee: I also did a reward chart for getting dressed by herself so that was motivating until she got into the routine and now it's just second nature.

  6. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    I didn't read any pp but I have been solo parenting in the AM since my first child was born. I feel like I have created a pretty good routine! I actually kind of hate it when DH is home in the morning on a rare occasion because he totally throws my schedule off!
    My kids are 3 and almost 2.
    615-my alarm goes off. If the kids aren't up on their own yet, I make my coffee and a quick breakfast (almost always something I can microwave and/or run around the house with)
    630-I get dressed and do my make up. I really try to lay my clothes out the night before but that doesn't always happen.
    640-Back to the kitchen where I pack the kids their lunch and get their backpacks ready. I fill up their cups with milk or water and put it in the side pocket on their backpacks. Breakfast for them is always something I can heat up at daycare. If one child or both happen to be up at this time I either fix cereal for the older one or give the younger a yogurt. Definitely something where they don't need supervision eating it.
    I try and avoid any/all tv in the mornings.
    650-Wake up 1 child and get them dressed, sit on potty, brush teeth, do hair
    655-Wake up the other child and get them dressed, same as above as needed. I also have both kids clothing laid out the night before.
    700-710 at the LATEST-I strap them in their carseats. This might sounds ridiculous but I keep their shoes in the car and don't put them on until we get to daycare. It saves me a step getting out the door! I toss their backpacks in the trunk and any other things we might need--nap mats, diapers, my lunch, etc. This gives me a minute to collect myself before pulling out of the garage.

    You can totally do it, but find the routine that works for you! I do feel pretty good about myself MOST mornings knowing I can get myself ready and presentable and 2 toddlers out the door in an hour or less 5 days a week!

  7. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    FYI my almost 2yo asks for milk first thing in the morning -- it's legacy routine from when we weaned 6mo ago -- and then he is ok to wait for full breakfast til our nanny arrives at 7:30 (and formerly 8). Can you do something like that to tide him over and then let the nanny handle the rest?


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