How would you ideally space them out? The same space between all kids or different amounts between them?
How would you ideally space them out? The same space between all kids or different amounts between them?
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
Not that there was ever really any planning in our life, but the girls are 21 months apart. That was fine at the time, but with 2 already here, I didn't even get any baby fever for a third until the second was 2. The younger two will be exactly 3 years apart and the oldest and youngest will be 5 years apart.
From an empty nest perspective, this is better because I would have sent both my girls away within a very short time span. Now the little guy will have several years being the only before he goes off to college. (And mama prepares slowly to let go).
pear / 1610 posts
DS & DD are 21 months apart… We are starting to talk about #3 and now would be the time to start trying if we wanted a similar age gap… I told my DH that I feel like if we wait longer between #2 & #3 we will probably end up wanting a #4… (yes, I know… crazy) Our plans are 3 maybe 4 anyway. We aren't in the best spot to TTC right now in some senses but we could do it. I've been told by multiple people to "have your kids when you want them because there will always be a reason to wait otherwise".
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
We have a son and a daughter and they are thirteen months apart. We are for sure going to go for a 3rd and maybe a 4th but like you it comes down to our spacing. I would love another short age gap but at this point the closest my 2nd and 3rd could be is 16 months so we're already pretty much past that short age gap window.
Because of this we will probably have a second set close together but not TTC for at least another year and a half.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Mine will be almost 21 months apart. We want 3, but I don't know how I'll feel once #2 is here regarding spacing. I had baby fever by the time #1 was 6 months old. Timing wise with my job, it's best to have babies in the spring, so that would be another 20-21 month gap or a 2.5-3 year gap between the last 2. Who knows!
grapefruit / 4418 posts
Ideally our first two will be 2-2.5 years apart, then the next two will be 1.5-2 years apart. DH is set on 4, I am in the we will see as we go camp!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
We are still not sure about #3 (well I'm not sure, DH would in a heartbeat) but if we do, I would like them to all be about 2 1/2 years apart, so we would start trying when LO2 is about 18 months old.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
My two boys are 20 months apart - exactly what I wanted. I used to think I wanted a bigger age gap (2-3 years) between #2 and #3 but now I'm changing my mind. I'm absolutely petrified and second guess myself all the time but I think I want a 2 year age difference give or take a couple of months. So I'd be getting pregnant toward the end of summer.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
For us a 2-3 year separation is perfect. Now that we have two we are hoping DD 1 will be in kindergarten before a third needs to start daycare. That way we're only paying for 2 in daycare.
Given how long both girls took to conceive we would talk about TTC again late summer when DD 2 turns one.
kiwi / 705 posts
#1 and #2 will be just shy of 17 months apart and then we'd like a similar (1 grade max difference) between #3 and #4 but we'd like about 4-5 years between 2 and 3, that way we would only have 2 who aren't in school at a given time.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
Our first two are 3 years apart (we started trying when they would have been 2 years, but miscarried twice and it took a year).
IF we go for a third, we would wait at least 3 years again, if not 4 years.
papaya / 10560 posts
My two are 17 months apart. If we have more it would be when they are in pre-k/kinder because of daycare cost and I don't want to quit my job.
I don't really want to have babies in my mid-late 30s though, but not positive our two are our last two.
pear / 1998 posts
I want 4 total, DH wants to try for at least one biological. So I think this will make it even harder to plan realistically.
I think if I took DH's opinion into account we would have two biological 2 years apart, and then adopt 2 older children that were 2-ish years apart as well (possibly siblings). I'd probably want a 3-ish years between the younger of the two older kids and the older of the two younger kids.
pomelo / 5469 posts
Our (tentative) plan is to have #1 & #2 just under 3yrs apart and if we have #3 then the gap between #2 & #3 will be considerably less, definitely under 2yrs, probably closer to 18mths.
olive / 57 posts
Our first two will be just shy of 2 years apart. My husband wants a large family, but I'm thinking 3 or 4...we'll see. I would like to have a little larger space before our third baby. Maybe 3 years, then 4 could be 2 years after that. Right now I'm trying to just get through this pregnancy before I make any crazy plans! Haha
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
We are a maybe 3 family. 1 and 2 will be 19 months apart. There is no way in hell I will do that with a 3rd. My body is so tired. I think it needed more rest time plus my toddler is of the more rambunctious variety so I'm sure that doesn't help. If have a third I'd like DD2 and baby 3 to be around 2.5 to 3 years apart
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Well, E and #2 will be 25 months apart. E needs to be in kindergarten before we have a 3rd, so ours will probably be 5, 3, and newborn. IF we have a 4th, probably then 7, 5, 3, and newborn. Big if....
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
@blackbird: the key is the childcare costs for two only.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@Mrs. Jacks: bingo. Plus I think I think it'll be easier to be pregnant again when they aren't soooo little. My body isn't holding up well!
apricot / 425 posts
My 2 will be just under 4.5 years apart, which is exactly what we had hoped for
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Ds and #2 will be 2 years 8 months apart. If we have a third, we will likely try when #2 is one. We started ttc #2 when DS was 21 months. Took us four cycles with a cp cycle 2.
apricot / 347 posts
We just got pregnant with #2. They will be 19 mo apart. I think that might be too intense a spacing for #3 or 4 though so maybe those will be closer to 2 years apart.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
My two will be roughly 2.5 years apart and if we had a third it will be closer to when my oldest goes off to school (age 5 in NZ)
bananas / 9118 posts
We are pretty much planning similar spacing as @Mrs. Jacks: & @blackbird: Our first two are 26 months apart, and I'd like our second to be about 3 when we have a third and for our oldest to be about 5.
I need a longer break in between #2 and #3 as I weaned as I got pregnant the second time, I really don't want to have a baby and a two year old again- it was brutal. Seeing how much more mature our oldest is at 3 is about where I want to be when/if we have another.
@mrsjyw: yay, congrats lovely lady!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
When we are finally blessed with our first, I am hoping the others come quickly (we'd love to have 4). Daycare costs are a huge concern, though, so its probably more realistic to space them each 2 years apart.
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