If you were induced and already pretty dilated, how did it go? Did you start with pitocin or did your dr break your water? I'm alresdy 4cm dilated and 50% effaced so just trying to get an idea of how an induction would go...
If you were induced and already pretty dilated, how did it go? Did you start with pitocin or did your dr break your water? I'm alresdy 4cm dilated and 50% effaced so just trying to get an idea of how an induction would go...
grapefruit / 4321 posts
I wasn't induced but my recommendation is to schedule one. I swear I know so many people (myself included!) who went into labor as soon as they scheduled an induction
squash / 13764 posts
@Truth Bombs: lol! I would love if that were the case my OB is willing to do it tomorrow (my due date) but DH is really against it.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Very smoothly both times!
With E, i went straight on pitocin and they put something in my cervix. Can't remember. Start to finish, 16 hours? I was 2cm dilated and almost fully effaced.
With T, they put me on pitocin but he was having major heart rate problems even before the pit was in, so they broke my water to stabilize that, which it did. So then i was confined to the bed and couldn't labor out of it, based on where his head was. That sucks, by the way. Nothing like peeing in a bedpan with assistance because you can't get up. Hello early, epidural. But they put it in at 3pm and he was born at midnight (9 hours). And it took at least 3-4 hours for the pit to really get my contractions started. It was pretty nonexistent for a few good hours. I was at 2cm, again, and only about 50% effaced with him.
cherry / 197 posts
I was induced with both kids. For DD I wasn't dialated at all, so they gave me something (drawing a blank on the med) to ripen my cervix and then switched to pitocin after 24 hours. With DS I was 2cm when I was admitted for induction but I needed to get to 3cm before starting pitocin. With DS once we finally got to the pitocin, I only needed the lowest dose and my body finally took over labor. He was born 9 hours later.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Truth Bombs: haha I agree! I scheduled my induction and went into labour 6 hours later
pear / 1750 posts
I was induced and I was also 4 cm on the day of. I started with pitocin around noon and my water broke about 5 hours later. DS was born just before 2 am
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@hilsy85: I think it's a lot easier to have that opinion when you're not the pregnant one. With my first I was scheduled for an induction the day after my due date. In hindsight I was always so glad that I went into labor and didn't do the induction and I told myself I was being a big baby for scheduling one at 40+1. Now that I'm pregnant again (32 weeks now), I'm all "no, it was totally legit that I was just DONE being pregnant". It's not like you're ahead of your due date, so if you feel ready, I say go for it. It's not like you're completed closed and zero % effaced and trying to push the baby way ahead of schedule.
nectarine / 2834 posts
I was kind of, technically induced so I'll chime in. My water broke on my due date at 4am, but contractions never started on their own so even though I was in the hospital and going to deliver that day, the nurse kept saying I wasn't in labor (very confusing!). At 9:30am, I was still 3cm dilated and they gave me pitocin. They thought that would just give my body the little jumpstart it needed. They never turned my pitocin above a 2, and the contractions were really manageable. i did have an epi 3 hours later and then delivered A 4 hours after that.
pear / 1837 posts
Was induced at 40+3, 3cm and 50% effaced. Started Pitocin around 7am, they broke my water at some point, and then "failed to progress" and ended up with C-section. I would vote against inducing but probably in the minority.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
I was induced at 34 weeks after PPROM (so water was already broken 6 weeks before). Prior to induction, I was 4 cm, 100% effaced and at -1 station. Pitocin was started 2 hours later. Dr thought I would have the babies that day. About 5 hrs later, I was at 6cm. They continued upping my pitocin but about 10 hours later I was still at 6cm. They tried turning off the pitocin to give my uterus a rest. Still didn't work. Dr asked me what I wanted to do. I decided to go ahead with a c-section. With twins, I knew it was a possibility so I was quite calm and relaxed with decision (I was also tired.)
So babies were born about 14 hrs after the start of the induction. It was noted in my chart that I had a 'failed induction'. It was hard to see that written at first but it is what it is. They do think that my uterus was 'tired' because I had ruptured weeks before.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
When I was dilated and induced, we went straight to Pit. It wasn't working (I wasn't progressing and wasn't feeling anything) so my OB broke my water and it really sped it up. It went great!
I would go ahead and pick your date (based on your doctor, comfort level and schedule).
honeydew / 7283 posts
I had two very smooth inductions.
#1 was at 36 weeks so I got some kind of cervical ripening agent and then pitocin. They broke my water later in the day.
#2 was at 39 weeks so I was more dilated and went straight to pitocin. Again my OB broke my water later in the day.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@hilsy85: that's exactly how I was! 4cm at 38+5 and I was induced since it seemed favorable.
In terms of numbers, it went well. Pitocin drip started at 5pm, I began active labor at 12am and my water broke at that time on it's own. Active labor until 3am when I reached 10cm and started pushing. Pushed for 45 minutes and then delivered.
But the pain was INSANE. The contractions were really close together, and very powerful.
squash / 13764 posts
@Truth Bombs: oh definitely, and he knows that...ultimately I think he would go along with it if I wanted but he would not be happy. And there's no medical reason to do it right now, just my increasing level of frustration.
@Mrs. Pen: ack that still seems so long! My labor with LO1 was 9 hrs start to finish, so I was hoping this time would be faster...
seems like inductions generally take longer, even if you're favorable!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
My induction went so smoothly! It was 14 hours from getting my dose of cervadil to delivering the baby. I slept through most of it.
I was 1.5-2cm dilated when they placed the cervadil. I was already having contractions on my own about 1-2 minutes apart. After 4 hours on the cervadil I was 2.5cm and my OB broke my water. My contractions continued at 1-2 minutes apart and picked up intensity then. I got a dose of IV pain meds about an hour later, slept 2 hours, woke up and got an epidural, slept 4 hours, woke up again and was complete. I labored down an hour and DD was born about 40 minutes later.
I have no regrets on getting induced. I don't think I could have had an easier labor.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@hilsy85: well active labor + pushing was still just four hours! I hardly had any contractions from 5pm-10pm, then 10pm-12am it was light, dull cramping.
I thought it was fast for those I know who weren't induced - but maybe I'm wrong!
honeydew / 7303 posts
I wasn't even technically induced with #2. He was out within 4 hours of placing some cervidil gel
pomegranate / 3231 posts
@hilsy85: Why does your OB want to schedule an induction so soon? Is it medically indicated?
(I stalled and stalled until my water broke at 10pm on 41+2. Labor started spontaneously at 2am on 41+3.)
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: compared to my spontaneous labor with J my induction was WAY faster!! And I was only barely 2cm... Contractions that hurt to delivery was 6 hours (1 hr pushing). Compared to 23 hours first time!
Good luck! Hopefully that babe will come on her own SOON! But sounds like you are a great candidate for induction too
squash / 13764 posts
@ElbieKay: nope, there's no medical reason right now...I think she is just shocked that I am not in active labor, and is willing to do it if I would like. plus I am about 30-60 minutes away from the hospital depending on traffic.
@hellobeeboston: thanks mama! Hoping to join you guys on the Oct babies board soon!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
I was induced for my second. I was at 3cm and 60 effaced (I think) for over a week or two. Got to hospital around 930 and baby was here by 11:30am! OB broke my water and by the time they started pitocin (I Barely got any) I was ready to push. They were shocked!
squash / 13764 posts
@regberadaisy: that's what I'm talking about!! what made you get induced at that point?
coconut / 8279 posts
I was induced 0 and 0 (for preeclampsia). They inserted a Cervidil patch to ripen the cervix at 8pm and that's all it took. At 5am my water broke and I went into labor immediately. No pitocin.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
I was induced both times due to high bp and then pre-e and had great experiences. Easy inductions at 39+1 and 38+3 and baby in less then 8 hours without pain meds. I was not favorable either, 1-2 both times.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@hilsy85: I just felt like I was stalled and nothing was happening. I think I stayed at 3cm and 60% for almost two weeks. Everyone on staff honestly thought the baby was going to be a week, if not more, early because she was SO low. I was uncomfortable,, it was end of August, I was hot. I was miserable and my OBs were completely on board with a due date induction. DH left it up to me.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
Isn't L's birthday soon? I'd totally be induced to avoid them sharing a birthday! I know...great reason
cherry / 206 posts
I was induced at 1 and 0 and was given the cervadil patch to soften my cervix the night prior. I contracted allllll night and by the next morning I made them remove it. My doctor broke my water and started pitocin around 7:00 that morning. I was complete by 2:00 pm and had baby at 4:00 pm. I was very pleased with my induction experience!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@hilsy85: The thing with inductions is that it can take 2-3 hours for the pitocin to get your contractions even going really well! Mine took a long time...i don't think i was in active labor until about 7pm or so. I vividly remember watching a prime time baseball game with DH! So once I was in active labor...5 hours? There's a lot of up front paperwork during that time, too, ha!
pear / 1510 posts
I'll go against the grain here. I was 40+6 and probably 1 cm when cervadil was placed at 11pm. Water broke around 5am, but I never dilated past 3. Ended up with C-section around 7pm. I'm now pregnant with #2, and I've vowed: no induction. My body apparently doesn't like being told what to do. I'll go into labor on my own before 39 weeks or have a RCS.
squash / 13764 posts
@lawbee11: yes! It's on Sunday...I am kind of freaking out about it as silly as that is. @blackbird: ah ok good poin!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
I was induced at 4 cm dilated and 30% effaced (I think?). They started Pitocin at 8, broke my water at 10, delivered at 2:30. Super easy (thanks to the epidural!) The induction was scheduled, but I was having contractions about 5 minutes apart, they were just tightening, nothing painful.
I had my membranes swiped the night before...
We had the same 45-60 minute drive, and had to worry about snow/ice which is why we went ahead with the induction vs. waiting. Since I was already dilated that far the dr. thought I was a prime candidate for induction.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
I was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced when I was induced. I was immediately hooked up to Pitocin upon checking in. My OB didn't break my water until a few hours later when it didn't break on its own.
My L&D started out a bit scary (DS had heart decels), but once we figured out what was causing it, my L&D was super smooth and easy!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@blackbird: I technically, wasn't even officially admitted yet when DD2 was born. LOL!!!
nectarine / 2148 posts
I was induced at 38+1 for high bp and pre-e. I was not far along (which really I guess goes against what you're asking). I was started on cervadil at 7pm, got a couple rounds, then they stopped so I could sleep through the night, strong contractions started at 4am, I ended up 4cm dilated, started pitocin around 9am. I slept for almost the whole day. I wasn't progressing as much through the day, they checked me around 6:30pm, I was 8cm, and they accidentally broke my water while checking me. I was never fully effaced and my son arrived at 7:15pm. I only pushed for 11 minutes.
My induction went sooo smoothly that I would take that again over having a natural labor. It's hard to make the decision not knowing the outcome and everyone's labor is so different. I think you should do whatever feels right to you.
pear / 1788 posts
I was 1cm and 30% effaced at 38+1 with hypertension. Baby was born vaginally 30.5 hours later, no problems!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@hilsy85: well, if you do end up going for an induction, I wish for a smooth, easy and quick one like mine!!!!
squash / 13764 posts
Really appreciate all the info! We've decided to hold off at least til
Monday and most likely til Thursday when I'll be 41 weeks. And then I am DONE!
pear / 1737 posts
@hilsy85: glad you asked about this. It makes me less fearful if I do end up needing to be induced soon. I had only heard a negative story before.
grapefruit / 4441 posts
I had an elective induction at 39w4d. I was 3cm with a Bishop score >10. They started the pitocin IV at 8am and I don't think I felt anything for a few hours. I watched tv with my mom and his and in the morning. I think they got going around 10 or 12? They broke my water at 2pm and things really progressed after that. I started pushing around 5pm and she was born at 6:17pm. The only issue I had was my contractions stalled after they turned off the pitocin (I had to wait for the doctor to push, so they'd turned it off). I'd also had two failed epidural and low blood pressure. They turned the epidural off, gave me more fluids, and increases the pitocin and the contractions came back full force. She was sunny side up and stuck, so it took awhile for her to get out. It was tough without the epidural, but overall, I have no regrets about the induction. Good luck!
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