My older sister and I are co hosting a shower for my sister. She is team green?
At any of your showers did people guess what you were having.
I think it would be a cute idea. Maybe because I would be curious what everyone else thought.
My older sister doesn't like the idea because we won't know the answer at the party. She thinks there is no point. She said we are surveying the guests and that's it.
I'm thinking a poster that is split in half with boy on one side and girl on the other. Then have guests write their name or put their name on a sticker and stick it on the whatever side they think the mom-to-be will have.
I'm also wondering if this is a good idea considering this is a team Green Party and maybe we shouldn't have any 'what side are you on' type games. Maybe that's why my older sister is against this idea. I can understand that but I've googled team green parties where people are asked to wear pink & blue based on what they think the baby will be. The invites are sent and party is this weekend, so it's too late for that.
What do you think?